
When did you bond with your baby? – Wired PR Lifestyle Story


Joanna Goddard baby toby

If you have a child, did you connect immediately or did you need some time to connect with the rodent in front of you? When my children were born, I had very different experiences …

Joanna Goddard baby toby

The moment Toby put it in my arms In 2010, my heart exploded. Our bond immediately overwhelmed me. His vivid eyes! Her milk breath! Her little toes!

Joanna Goddard Anton

When Anton arrived in 2013, I felt disoriented. Even though it was sweet, gentle, and lovable, I felt like a stranger was suddenly living with us. I loved it, I was going to be on fire with him, but were we in sync? Couldn’t we look each other in the eye all day? Postpartum depression I hit it almost immediately, and I felt disconnected from everything around me, even my new son.

Joan Tobdord Anton Toby

I would tell myself that when I breastfed five times a night or shook slowly to sleep, even though my brain was in the fog, my actions showed: I love you, I love you, I love you.

Luckily, a few months later, my head lit up, and one of the greatest joys of my life became the fall, hook, line, and cover for this wonderful person.

Jo has described similar feelings to the reader’s cup. For example, Sage says, “I would definitely take a bullet for my son and I’m happy with the kind, handsome, intelligent boy he is … but I didn’t feel it right after I gave birth. Or 10 days later. After about a month, maybe “I fell for it, but yes, there was a process. Even now, when women give babies, I shudder at movies or commercials that burst into tears of love. I’d really like to feel that, but I wanted to sleep.”

And a reader named Stacy agrees: “It took me a strong month, maybe two, to feel that whole love for my son. I felt defeated in the first whirlwind weeks I met because everyone was talking about immediate love. I would put on a fake smile and trudge through. Luckily, at almost three years old, it’s the light of my life! “

Adopting a child into the family is a terribly intense and personal experience, and it’s normal to experience all sorts of feelings, even negative ones. You are never alone.

And you? Did you connect immediately or did you need a bit? I would love to hear your thoughts.

PS Going from being a child to being two, and one thing that surprised my parents.


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