
What is it, does it work and do you need it? – Wired PR Lifestyle Story


Vitamin B12 injections: a temporary well-being trend or an essential part of overall health? In recent years, wellness centers and holistic beauty spas have added an intense treatment to their menu. In fact, our local farmers market provides vitamins to walk around with, such as immune boosters, vitamin D3 and so on.

It’s usually an easy experience, these injections are becoming more popular and for good reason. Although vitamin B12 injections are usually prescribed to treat vitamin B12 deficiency, these shots are similar to insurance: Even if you are in good health, you don’t know when you need help. Vitamin B12 injections are mentioned boosting energy, improved sleep and more. And don’t worry, these shots are provided by experienced medical professionals, just like registered nurses.

Why we need vitamin B12

A water-soluble vitamin, vitamin B12 is essential for everyone. It has many functions and advantages, but it is best known for its role in helping your body produce red blood cells. In addition, it helps the body convert food into glucose, which in turn generates energy. A healthy nervous system requires adequate levels of vitamin B12. pregnancy, and the ability to generate DNA.

Animal products are found naturally in clams, salmon, cheese and beef, and vitamin B12 is also added to fortified foods, along with oral supplements or injections. As omnivores, they are diverse different ingredients With high levels of vitamin B12, however, there are some groups that need supplements. More on that below.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency

The human liver stores vitamin B12 for several years, so deficiency is not very common. However, it is important to know what your level of vitamin B12 is after all deficiency can cause nerve damage and affect brain function. Some symptoms B12 deficiency such as: conditions of the small intestine (Crohn’s disease), anemia, fatigue, constipation, poor balance, memory loss, shortness of breath, and others.

Do you need vitamin B12 injections?

Pregnant breastfeeding women need vitamin B12 for the neurological development of the baby, the production of red blood cells and the survival of the immune system. Getting the right vitamin B12, as a high quality prenatal, supplement or injection is key. In addition, many older adults — or those who have undergone digestion-related surgery — do not have enough hydrochloric acid in their stomachs to absorb vitamin B12 from their food. Therefore, they also take advantage of an injection or supplement.

People with autoimmune diseases or celiac disease or Crohn’s disease may benefit from the intake of vitamin B12, which mainly causes intestinal problems. Finally, vegetarians, vegetarians or especially plant-based eaters will be low in vitamin B12. Even when they eat a varied diet, they do not get enough vitamin B12 with food. Therefore, regular supplements or injections are essential.

What are vitamin B12 injections?

Considering the pros and cons of vitamin B12 injection, it is helpful to understand what they are and how they work. Injections are given inside the muscles, at the doctor’s office, at a spa or in my case, walking to a wellness truck in my neighborhood. In other words, a quick shot. They can be done as prescribed by a doctor or by appointment. Some wellness centers also run.

Injections are usually administered with hydroxocobalamine or cyanokobalamine (synthetic forms of vitamin B12). These are very effective in raising blood levels of vitamin B12, and thus preventing or reversing vitamin B12 deficiency. Hydroxocombamine, in particular, is usually the recommended option because it lasts longer in the body. On average, the price of an injection is between $ 20 and $ 100.

Advantages of vitamin B12 injections

Vitamin B12 can cause injections immediate health benefits. It increases energy levels and concentration, can improve metabolism, strengthens the immune system and helps you sleep more peacefully. Because this vitamin is essential for DNA synthesis, nerve cell health, red blood cell formation, and neurological function, vitamin B12 injection really doesn’t come to mind.

How often should I inject vitamin B12?

Keep in mind that they are all different and have special needs. If you are diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, you will probably be given 100 mcg (as an injection) into your muscle — once a day — for a week. Eventually, the frequency of this injection will drop once a month. That said, the frequency and dose will change based on the improvement in blood work and symptoms. In most other cases, only one session per month is appropriate.

Who should not receive vitamin B12 injections?

Although vitamin B12 injections are generally considered very safe, they are very rare cases when people may experience side effects or allergic reactions or sensitivity. Talk to your primary care physician to discuss possible side effects.

Is vitamin B12 injection worth it?

It’s a century, of course! Again, talk to your healthcare provider or doctor. Get a blood test. It is important to have data before the injection. Excess vitamin B12 is not necessarily harmful (unused vitamin B12 is excreted in the urine), these injections may interact with other medications. Always consult your doctor beforehand. If you are really low in vitamin B12, it is an injection (or oral supplement) to be nice not one they need.


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