
How to moisturize the skin, depending on the dermatologist and nutritionist – Wired PR Lifestyle Story


Whether the skin is dry or not, it’s the right time to always keep it in plenty of ways healthy and hydrated inside and out. This can easily be forgotten when it comes to hydrating skin, it’s just as important to remember what you put in place inside your body products you use them topically. That’s why we’ve turned to a nutritionist and dermatologist to figure out how to hydrate your skin, regardless of age or skin.

Seasonal change, genetics, diet, hormones, and the process of natural aging causes changes in the needs of the skin. What worked last week, month, or year may not necessarily be what your skin needs today, and it’s okay!

Acne, redness, inflammation, dry skin and more are a sign that your skin is not being properly hydrated; so it is important to listen to the traces of the body and make a note of what it needs today. One of the best things you can do is invest self-care– take some time to make sure everything is balanced, healthy and functioning properly.

For more clarity, we talked Dr. Y. Claire Chang at Union Square Laser Dermatology and a certified integrative nutrition health coach, Edie Horstman knowing how to hydrate the skin, and their careful responses shed great light on what can be a confusing and confusing problem.

What role does nutrition play in skin hydration?

They are plentiful studies they have studied how nutrition affects the skin, especially wrinkles, loss of dryness and elasticity. Horstman told me that vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, and proteins help skin health and flexibility. In addition to drinking H20, foods rich in water such as watermelon, tomato, cucumber and strawberry also support skin hydration. Although not as essential as drinking water, these ingredients are high in nutrients and improve your daily fluid intake.

So the question is, how much water should we drink to better hydrate our skin? Although it changes from person to person, Horstman says you want to try at least eight glasses of water a day. But it is important to remember that consistency is key. Drinking eight glasses a day realizing that the next two drinks will not necessarily affect your skin’s hydration. Also, what is in your water is important. Whenever possible, use a filter system and try to keep plastic water bottles away.

The skin hydrates vitamins and minerals to add to your diet:

  • Biotin
  • Keratin
  • Vitamin A
  • Collagen
  • Vitamin D.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • And vitamin
  • Fish oil

Food moisturizes the skin

  • Healthy fats like nuts, coconut oil, avocados, olives and yolks.
  • Moisturizing fruits like watermelon, red grapes, papaya and coconut water.
  • Omega-3-rich proteins like wild-caught salmon and herring.
  • Moisturizing vegetables like cucumber, celery, chilli.

Foods to avoid

Highly processed foods contain inflammatory oils (like seed oils, cola and safflower), and are stocked with artificial ingredients and preservatives will not benefit your skin. Note!

Horstman’s advice is to keep the skin hydrated on the inside

Dry skin (AKA xerosis) can be influenced by a number of factors, including genetics and environmental factors. Potential environmental factors include weather, heat, air conditioning, harsh soaps, hot baths, or certain skin care products. Deodorant soaps or hard baskets can remove and dry the skin from its natural oils. Internal factors include age and genetic status, such as eczema.

Dr. Chang also said that our skin care routine needs to be changed to match the changing seasons and humidity. The air and our skin are the driest in winter and it is important to hydrate often throughout the day. It recommends the use of moisturizers that blend moisturizers, emollients and occlusive ingredients. You can mix and match moisturizing toners, serums and moisturizers to increase hydration.

Follow Dr. Chang’s skin moisturizing tips:

Switch from a lighter cream to a thicker cream

If the weather changes or you suddenly find yourself in a drier environment, make sure you swap your lightest lotions for a heavy cream that will help cover you with moisture and protect your skin.

Keep showers short and warm

Long, hot showers can dry out the skin. Limit to more than five or 10 minutes. Dry and apply moisturizer immediately when the skin is most prepared to absorb hydration.

Use a humidifier

A humidifier can keep the air moist and reduce the chance of skin drying when used in dry weather, winter or frequent air conditioning.

Avoid drying, irritating topicals or chemicals

Having strong acids and skin from natural astringents like tea tree oil can dry out the skin and damage the natural moisture barrier.

Use a moisturizing face mask regularly

If you are not masking As part of your weekly skin care routine, consider adding rich moisture opportunity to your repertoire.

Look for moisturizers and skin repair products

Read Dr. Chang’s favorite skin moisturizing products:

This peptide-rich cream has a triple complex of lipids, hyaluronic acid, shea butter, glycerin and jojoba seed oil, which gives the skin some moisture and shine.

Buy here.

This lotion is formulated with ceramides and hyaluronic acid to repair and protect dry skin.

Buy here.

Using a moisturizer can have a huge impact on trying to keep your skin hydrated. This promotes healthy and radiant skin to relieve cold, flu and allergy symptoms and reduce the spread of viruses indoors.

Buy here.

This anti-aging moisturizer contains essential lipids, such as ceramides and fatty acids, to restore the skin’s protective barrier, along with vitamin E and essential oils.

Buy here.

One of our favorites and that of Dr. Chang, this non-comedogenic formula hydrates the skin with the help of hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and niacinamide.

Buy here.

Dr. Chang recommends using this moisturizer on sensitive skin. It is formulated with prebiotic thermal water, ceramides, glycerin and niacinamide to relieve dryness while soothing and repairing the skin barrier.

Buy here.

Get a boost of hyaluronic acid and vitamin B5 to moisturize the skin and allow it to soften and revitalize.

Buy here.

This moisturizer moisturizes dry skin while defending against harmful UVA and UVB.

Buy here.

This cult favorite is a luxury ultra-moisturizing cream that has been clinically proven to improve skin hydration, reduce wrinkles, and improve firmness.

Buy here.


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