World News

Can doubts about the vaccine prevent the fight against COVID-19 in Africa? | Coronavirus pandemic


Video Length 25 minutes 00 seconds

By: Inside Story

Eventually, hundreds of millions of shots are being fired, but many are reluctant to receive one.

Developing nations in Africa have waited months for COVID-19 vaccines, while the richest countries have accumulated supplies.

As long as that remains a problem, the shots are coming.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says so far 430 million doses have been given across the continent.

But only 7 percent of Africa’s 1.3 billion people are completely inoculated, far removed from the rest of the world.

Doubts about owning it are another issue. Healthcare workers are dealing with misinformation and widespread skepticism about vaccines.

What is needed to increase vaccination rates?

Presenter: Feeling the abduction


Helen Rees – President of the WHO Regional Advisory Committee on African Immunization

Anand Madhvani – Co-founder of Covid Kenya

Karsten Noko – A lawyer with an interest in human rights and global health


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