9 tips for eating with children by Anton and Toby – Wired PR Lifestyle Story
When I had kids, I remember feeling nervous about going out to eat with them. (Would we be too loud? Can they sit still? Would we ruin everyone’s lunch?) But we rolled up our sleeves, and in the meantime we had one few disasters, we mostly fell into a fun rhythm in restaurants. Now that they’re older, I asked 11-year-old Toby and 8-year-old Antoni to share some real advice for little boys …
1. Go early. When is the best time to have a family dinner? “At 6 o’clock,” says Toby. “Because it’s not overcrowded and you’ve just run out of screen time.”
2. Consider a quiet restaurant. Oddly enough, we had the worst luck in informal places in the family. They are loud and noisy, and my children are thrilled. Instead, we prefer quieter places. “Quiet and mature restaurants are more fun,” says Toby. “They’re not upset. You won’t see them as 25 children. ” (These are our current favorites Frankies Snack and Indian Table, both have excellent outdoor dining.)
3. Everyone accepts a special drink. “You might ask, ‘Do you have a baby drink?'” Toby suggests. “I like to order Shirley Temples. “.
4. Encourage the children to ask for it on their own. “I like to ask for my food because I get my answers more straightforward,” says Anton. “I say, ‘Can I please…'” . if you need to.
5. Play while cooking. While they are waiting for food, they like to play games like our kids Would you rather or riddle or Tic-Tac-Toe. If all else fails? “Wait and talk,” Anton says.
6. When tickets come in, adults can talk together. We know that when food arrives, our kids generally leave and we can talk to Alex and me as adults. “I focus on my lunch,” Toby explains. “Sometimes I get tired after dinner, and I sit in a chair. Once upon a time, I was eating a chicken sandwich and I fell asleep while I WAS EATING. My mother made a video. ‘
7. Roll the dice and order dessert. “At home, you never have a good chance,” Toby laments. “Our parents don’t usually let us have dessert, but if there’s ice cream, sometimes they say you can have ice cream!”
8. Smile at the restaurant team and diners. You never know what people are going through – fighting a pandemic, raising a sweet child with sensory problems or food allergies, taking a break from parenting but not being able to hire childcare, having a hard day in general – so go smoothly with those around him. . Even if someone turns a blind eye to your child’s presence, leave. As my mother once told me: “People are embedded in a whole world of their own. They have their own reasons and stress for doing things that may be completely unrelated to you, and usually do too! Forgive others and let their petty insanity go unpunished. Maybe they need your mercy. ”
9. Generous advice, if possible. When the boys were little, they accidentally dropped bread or napkins on the floor, or knocked over a drink, so I always tried to clean the table and thank them at the tip.
What would you (or the children in your life) add to this list? I’d love to hear it … xoxo
* Anton has never been allowed to claim Diet Coke, haha.
PS Toby and Anton’s NYC Guide, and fun conversations with kids.
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