At least three people have been killed in explosions in the Ugandan capital New Galleries

At least three people have been killed and dozens more injured in two blasts after the Ugandan capital, Kampala, was shaken when police described it as a coordinated attack.
Police spokesman Fred Enanga said 33 people were being treated at the city’s main public reference hospital. Five were seriously injured, he said.
Police said three suicide bombers were also killed in the blasts. The blast caused chaos in Kampala as terrified residents fled the city center.
The explosions occurred three minutes apart. Both were carried out by attackers carrying explosives. Hirugarren helburu baten aurkako balizko erasoa zapuztu zuen ustezko atentatu suizida bat atzeman eta desarmatu zuen poliziak, Enangak esan duenez.
One bomb exploded near a police station and the other on a street near the parliament building, according to police and witnesses. The blast around Parliament appears to have hit an building where an insurance company was located and the subsequent fire engulfed cars parked outside.
Parts of the body were seen scattered on the street, and later some lawmakers were seen emptying the nearby parliament building.
Images of videos circulating on social media showed that they were fleeing after the attacks, many on motorcycles for passengers, while police cut wide areas near the scene of the explosion.
Ugandan officials have called for vigilance in recent weeks as a result of the bomb blasts.
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