Athena Global Education and Carolina University announce transnational partnership to serve the global student community – Press Release
OXFORD, England, May 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Athena Global Education (UniAthena) and Carolina University (CU) are pleased to announce a partnership to offer MBA programs globally. This is a significant transnational provisioning agreement which will offer the UniAthena/CU completion programs throughout the 113 countries currently served by UniAthena. The programs will be delivered online, however students have provision to complete the program at university premises also.
“This may be the largest single offering for an American university in a transnational partnership in the Gulf Coast region,” stated Mr Firoz Thairinil, CEO of Athena Global Education, “We are thrilled to be leading the pack in partnerships that open doors for international students.”
Carolina University is rapidly gaining recognition for innovative partnerships with professional organisations and businesses, and pioneering the delivery of affordable but excellent degree programs. Carolina University is proud to partner with UniAthena to continue its mission in offering quality educational opportunities for a growing global market.
“This partnership between Carolina University and UniAthena is a win-win for students from the Middle East and broader MENA region because it offers the same exceptional quality education available to our Winston-Salem, NC students with the added affordability and flexibility. It enables students to gain in-demand capabilities in exciting areas such as public health and data science,” said Dr. Sandeep Gopalan, Executive VP for Academic Affairs & International at Carolina University.
UniAthena is a global education services platform dedicated to providing high-quality education to students from around the world, from the Middle East to North Africa to the United States. Its academic programs comprise Doctoral and Master Level Degrees and Diplomas from top ranking universities and professional certifications from renowned bodies. It leverages technology to make the learner’s experience an easy and enriching one.
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