Burning Questions: Thanksgiving Edition | Jo cup – Wired PR Lifestyle Story

Welcome Burnt questions, where I try to answer your most serious cooking problems. Today, of course, that means we put our attention on Thanksgiving. I personally thank all the readers who submit these submissions Instagram⁇
“I don’t want to make whole turkey. Can I serve the drums and the breasts? ‘ “Grandpa.”
A short answer, of course, yes. My mother was just grateful that I was growing up smoking, and I never thought to myself, “Something is missing.” But it seems to me that the real deeper question you are asking is: How much do I have to follow the rules? I’ve heard people say “Garlic doesn’t play a role in thanking you at the table” or “Since you’re eating turkey, you need to serve white wine”. Well, maybe that’s true at the table for some, but certainly not mine. Within a million years I would never have tried to convince you that your dessert should go into my mother’s milk cake (made with a Keebler graham cracker crust and Jell-O instant milk), but it’s literally not Thanksgiving for me (and her six). grandchildren) if not at least three bourbon pecan and pumpkin mixed. In other words, your family traditions are exponentially more important than the old school rules and some of the weirdest things on the table (remember shine?) ends up being the most iconic.
“Can you parse some ideas for vegetarian festive entrees?” – Everyone, literally
First, who decreed that there should be a main entrance? As we all know, sides are the best part of Thanksgiving, and most are usually meatless. However, if it feels bad without one, I would say look for something with structure and decadence: Ottolenghiren Butternut Squash Fondue Pie, a Green au gratin, a Mushroom Casserole.
“Drinks! What’s a special cocktail I can serve before a meal, and what wine should we drink with the party? ”. – BK
At our table, we often go with a blend of white burgundy and Pinot Noi, which is also the wines we drink all year round, because they are light and drinkable bodies. I love this essential memorable line from Sam Sifton Thank you Handbook: Thanksgiving There is no “proper” wine for Thanksgiving, that is, there is no essential grape or harvest, cocktail or spirit. . ” He proposes to encourage guests to bring what they like. As for a special cocktail, I took this look Citrus-Pomegranate Sangria (so nice!) and for a non-alcoholic option, this Salted Pigeon of the Pilgrim.
“Can mashed potatoes be made beforehand?” – Jean
Yes, and once I learned this, it changed my life. Make your potatoes as written the day before from start to finish, then heat a large pot over medium-low heat, adding a little cream or warm milk to thin it out a little, stirring constantly to prevent it from sticking.
“Can you recommend a non-boring pumpkin pie variant?” —Odwa
As for the American classics, I’m fine with skipping a pot of green beans or sweet potatoes with marshmallows, but making a boring pumpkin pie recipe on the back of Libby’s can is a hill that will kill me. Don’t be afraid, though: I’ve signed up Life is what you smoke author Vallery Lomas to weigh: “I changed the sour maple syrup and coconut milk for the cream, and it adds flavor. Better answer, though: Potato Tart. Mine has orange peel and pansies and a lot of things that aren’t boring at all. ” It looks really good!
“What do you say when someone asks you what to bring but everything is already planned?” – Monica
The wine they love. (See above.) Sparkling cider. A deck of cards or an old school game for kids. (Twister, anyone?) Or, as my friend Sony’s grandmother Jok would say, just say, “Bring your appetite and wear pants.”
“Did you give me some ideas for setting up easy tables?” – Katie
My go-to is a set of pumpkins (of all sizes, but nothing big), along with pumpkins, persimmons, and pomegranates along with candlelight vases. Today Levine, aka Supermakeit, famous for his non-creative ideas, proposes to bring children together with these grass-y starting place cards or the same folded sheets of paper or this easy center this would double as a pre-night activity for the little ones.
“How do I get kids involved?” – Jordan
See above! We assigned some dishes to my kids, even if they were actually beating something here or beating something there. Now they have all arrived and feels like the “owner” of those dishes, and that’s funny, if not very helpful. Kids can also make place tickets or arrange a sketch or be the chef’s “official taster” or… enjoy walking with the family, which is nothing.
“When will cooking come naturally or won’t I find it awful?” – Taffy
This made me laugh. Here’s what I’ll say: If there’s one case where cooking doesn’t seem so awful, this is it. I would say thank you to the front kitchen, with its enticing smells and what the chefs do around each other, and the kids poking their faces in and out “when dinner?” and overall happy chaos is the best holiday. Throw a glass of wine at the chef, share a good story that only you can tell, take some pictures – you don’t have to be a part of things to absorb what the turkey absorbs.
Great questions! Thank you, everyone!
PS More tips to thank, and how to talk to kids about Thanksgiving.
(Photo Christine Han, illustration Loss of the abbey.)
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