
Buy custom handmade bath bombs online in Malaysia – Wired PR Lifestyle Story


Bath / shower time before bed is one of the biggest things I expect every day. Along with the fragrant products of heaven, it refers to the stream of water that gives you the feeling of relaxing and escaping, clearing the problems of the day.

Responding to this feeling is a new Malaysian personal and body care brand. Jubath.

By adopting a sustainability attitude using vegan and plant-based ingredients, its creators are launching their brand with bath bombs that are their first customizable product range.

A passionate project

Ujubath was created by Maegan and Suki to reconcile the interests of the time and resources that were at the forefront of their careers.

Although they both came from different backgrounds that had nothing to do with skin or body care, Maegan has been experimenting with such products since 2015. He also felt the need to build a technology-enabled startup 6 times after being quarantined. and looking after well-being.

In terms of his career, Maegan launched programs in the areas of sustainability, deep technology and blockchain. Temasek and Malaysia Global Center for Innovation and Creativity (MaGIC).

Suki has coded several platforms in his career / Image Credit: Ujubath

At the same time, Suki left his job as a software engineer at Mckinsey in the first block. The decision to do so was easy, as he was flirting with the idea of ​​creating his own brand about a year ago.

Suki has also launched online platforms in travel technology and e-commerce, along with a market for home parties.

In a crowded place

Maegan and Suki told the Vulcan Post that they wanted to take advantage of the right situation at the time of launching the decision to focus on selling the first bath bombs.

“We were at the peak of our stays and forties, so it would be nice to create something that reflected our self-care and our personal missions,” they said.

The atmosphere of the island in a bath bomb / Image credit: Ujubath

“We would compete in a crowded place if we made soaps, shampoos or facial products. It’s very saturated and it takes longer to market. “

This makes sense because a new brand like Ujubath would have to catch a customer through a product like bath bombs first. Disposable products like bath bombs don’t require as much commitment as lotions or shampoos, where customers would have a bigger bottle to finish.

But after getting enough customers, other products like shampoos are the extensions that Ujubath will eventually expand.

Through it, his team plans to launch circular economy practices by transforming by-products into new ingredients or formulas to make the beauty industry cleaner and greener.

“We will also partner with our sustainability brands and an algae farm to produce algae,” added Maegan and Suki.

Giving customers control

The skin care and wellness industry is a highly saturated market. Looking at the players who sell bath bombs, you have big names all over the world like Lush, and like home brands. BUIH.

But the only selling point offered by Ujubath is that it allows buyers to customize their bath bombs for a flat price of RM40. Local bushes in addition to the brand sukurabupersonalization is not usually something that many body care brands offer.

To build your bath bomb in Ujubath, you should choose a basic ingredient that offers different benefits depending on the five you choose. The same goes for selecting tea-based ingredients and botanical oils.

You choose how your bath bombs benefit your skin

From there, the payment process is standard and you need to enter a name to be labeled on the product packaging.

Although I didn’t try the bath bomb myself, I was grateful that Ujubath included a picture of what each ingredient category meant (base, tea, and botanical oil) on its personalization page.

It’s able to alleviate customer confusion about what these terms mean, and you’re left with little questions about the product you might end up getting.

According to Ujubath’s website, the product will be delivered in a glass bottle so that customers can recycle it as storage for other reasons. It is a deliberate move by the brand to adapt to the values ​​of sustainability.

“We’re always trying to reduce our impact [using] compost bins, recyclable fabrics, [offering] options that can be refilled (you can return five buckets to pick up a bath bomb), and more, ”said the co-founders. “We’re not perfect, but we’re always working to improve our R&D.”

The customer is king

While Ujubath has the advantages of personalization over brands like Lush, this poses a potential challenge for scaling the business.

Using the same ingredients in large batches makes it easier to mass-produce in a shorter amount of time, allowing customers to deliver products faster, which Lush can achieve.

If you are concerned about long-term delivery complaints, managing customer expectations is the price that Ujubath will have to bear. Alternatively, a brand that offers ready-made stock for products is also a viable solution, and Ujubath already has options.

Behind the bombing / Image credit: Ujubath

“” The customer is king. ”

“We want to give our users the luxury of creating and having fun in the process, and providing that visibility where every customer needs to be aware of the ingredients that are essential to their personal care.”

Keep their options open

Suki recently joined Ujubath with a lean full-time team, while Maegan will take on another entrepreneurship project this February.

“We’ve both had different sides to the startup ecosystem, so it’s essential to continue to create more experience in the industry. There are a lot of opportunities out there, “Maegan said.

  • Learn more about Ujubath here.
  • Read about other Malaysian startups here.

Featured Image Credit: Maegan and Suki, founders of Ujubath


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