Climate activists denounce “false solutions, fairy tales” at COP26 | Climate Crisis News

While corporations promote carbon trading, critics say it’s just a scheme to continue to profit from burning dirty energy sources.
Glasgow, Scotland – Activists criticized companies and governments for their plans to address the emergency of climate change through opaque carbon trading schemes, as many scientists recommend instead of urgently shutting down fossil fuel production.
About 50 protesters rallied on Tuesday at COP26, while negotiators around the world continued to reach agreements to stop global warming above 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit), if this level is exceeded it will have devastating consequences for the entire planet.
Activists said they were promoting the concept zero carbon emissions it was a “pure fantasy” on the way to halting climate catastrophes that had already been going on for decades. The burning of fossil fuels must now be stopped, and “carbon trading”Doesn’t get that, they said.
“Corporations will be allowed to continue polluting and the fairy tale is to think that the carbon trade is getting us out of this crisis,” said Ozawa Bineshi Albert, an indigenous activist and member of the Climate Justice Network.
While corporations and governments in fossil-fuel-rich nations are promoting carbon trading — or exchanging one’s own emissions for other carbon-reducing credits — critics say it’s just a scheme to continue profiting from burning dirty energy sources.
Bolivia, for example, has described carbon trading as a method of creating “multimillion-dollar climate businesses”. Another major criticism of the carbon trade is its inability to control carbon reduction efforts they are real.
‘Feed us the lies’
Pascoe Sabido of the Corporate Europe Observatory stated that 500 oil and gas lobbies were participating in COP26.
“What are they here for? Contaminate the process. They brought us here to feed the lies, ”Sabido told the crowd.
Over the next 10 years, fossil fuel companies plan to increase production, he said, noting recent deals by large companies to drill more than 800 new oil and gas wells around the world.
“They want to continue to make as much money as they can, but that causes a climate catastrophe,” Sabido said.
Large hydrocarbon corporations and governments with large fossil fuel resources say carbon-trading and zero-emission plans are needed to gain time to fully put renewable energy sources on the grid in the coming decades.
However, climate activists have stated that the Earth’s atmosphere cannot withstand more greenhouse gases without devastating effects across the planet, such as storm disasters, uncontrollable fires, horrific sea levels and high flooding.
“We want a real zero [emissions], not zero net, ”Sabido said. “I don’t think it’s going to get here [at COP26]. But the place where we will see real change is on the street. ”
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