COP26: What’s in the Glasgow Climate Pact? | Climate crisis news

Nearly 200 nations have agreed to accept the Glasgow Climate Pact after more than two weeks of lively negotiations, with the UK – the host of talks – saying the agreement will keep hopes alive to avoid the worst effects of global warming internationally.
Here are the biggest achievements treatment:
Increasing ambition
The agreement recognizes that the commitments made by countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that have so far warmed the planet are not enough to keep the global warming industry above 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial temperatures.
To try to fix this, he urges governments to strengthen these targets by the end of next year, rather than once every five years, as previously requested.
Failure to set and meet tougher emission reduction targets would have major consequences. Scientists say going beyond the 1.5C rise would cause extreme sea level rise and catastrophes, including severe droughts, severe storms and fires that are far worse than what the world suffers.
“I think today we can say with credibility that we have 1.5 (degrees Celsius) at our disposal,” said Alok Sharma, president of the COP26 summit. “But his pulse is weak, and we will only survive if we keep our promises.”
Orientation of fossil fuels
The treaty includes a language that requires countries to reduce their dependence on coal for the first time and withdraw fossil fuel subsidies, a movement aimed at energy sources that scientists say are the main drivers of human-caused climate change.
The writing was controversial, however.
Prior to the adoption of the Glasgow agreement, India called on the countries to call on the agreement, rather than “untangling” coal without interruption. This small change of words caused a great deal of anger in the plenary hall, but the delegations agreed with the request to save the agreement.
The word “ineffective subsidies” in the agreement retained the phrase “phase-out”.
But questions remain as to how to define “continuous” and “ineffective”.
Payments to poor and vulnerable nations
The agreement went ahead with the demands of the poorest and most vulnerable countries paid by the rich countries responsible for most of the emissions.
The agreement, for example, “requires parties in developed countries to at least double their collective financial provision for climate change to 2025 levels by 2025 to adapt to developing country parties.”
He also mentioned for the first time in the cover section of the agreement what is called “loss and damage”. The loss and damage refers to the costs that some countries are suffering as a result of climate change, and these countries have been wanting to pay for it for years to help cope with it.
Under the agreement, however, developed countries have essentially agreed to continue discussions on the issue.
Rules for global carbon markets
Negotiators also closed a deal that set rules for carbon markets, and could unleash billions of dollars to protect forests, build renewable energy facilities and tackle other climate change projects.
Businesses and countries with extensive forest cover pushed for a strong agreement on government-led carbon markets in Glasgow, with the aim of also legitimizing growing global compensation markets.
Under the agreement, some measures would be put in place to ensure that credits for national emissions targets are not doubled, but bilateral trade between countries would not be taxed to help finance climate adaptation – that was the main demand for less developed countries.
The negotiators also reached an agreement that sets a deadline without going ahead with the credits granted before 2013. The aim is to avoid overcrowding the market with too much old credit and to encourage purchases instead of reducing new emissions.
Side agreements
There were also some notable agreements in favor. The United States and the European Union have launched a global initiative to reduce methane, where about 100 countries have promised to reduce methane emissions by 30% by 2030.
The United States and China, the world’s largest carbon emitter, also announced a joint declaration to cooperate on climate change measures, a deal that reassured observers with a view to stepping up efforts to combat Beijing’s global warming after a long period of time.
Companies and investors also made a number of voluntary commitments to phase out gasoline-powered cars, decarbonize air travel, protect forests and ensure more sustainable investments.
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