
#cuticutiMalaysia car care tips and steps list – Wired PR Lifestyle Story


[This is a sponsored article with Castrol.]

With a complete blockade and a seemingly unending pandemic, I haven’t come out much. Needless to say, my car has been sitting at home, mostly forgotten, for the last 17 months. And I’m pretty sure he’s making unnecessary noise.

With #cuticutiMalaysia finally reopening for us, I’m becoming aware of the tremendous task I have now: making sure my car really works. What I didn’t know was that not driving a car regularly can lead to big problems. Some of the following points are from our real-life experiences that we now have to deal with when it comes to driving regularly again.

Here’s a quick list of things to look for before you hit the road (and how to fix them):

1. Check that your battery is still alive

It may come as a surprise, but your car continues to “run” even if you don’t drive. Like your laptop or phone, your car battery is always on.

In addition, the energy-consuming devices that remain included in the port of your car’s lighters also filter the juice slowly.

A colleague’s battery (circa 2018) died during the lockout

If you have just checked and the battery is depleted, you have two options:

a) Find a car battery service

Car battery delivery services are available online, most with a 30-minute delivery promise. Some options are Carput, TukarBateri and Century Battery.

b) Start your car and go to your local workshop

If you have cables, batteries, and gloves on hand, getting your vehicle up and running is a great option. Here’s a quick and easy follow-up to video how to do it safely.

Tip: If you know you won’t be driving the car for a few weeks, put the vehicle in a charger. These chargers continue to power the car’s battery even when the vehicle is not in use.

2. Look closely at your tires

Most of the time, I wake up in the morning with my hair flat on the side where I slept. Cars do the same thing when they are left in the same place for a long time. They develop flat places when you are not driving.

Tires can lose pressure when sitting, about one or two PSI a month. A quick turn around the block will help you avoid this problem once a week.

Before traveling, use a tire pressure gauge to check the pressure. If it’s lower than expected, make a quick stop at your workshop or gas station before you shrink.

Tip: You don’t have to worry about going to the gas station to get air when you have a portable compressor at home.

3. Check your car’s oil and water level

Engine oil degrades naturally over time as water evaporates. Failure to replace it regularly can result in premature engine wear or permanent damage.

A colleague of mine saw an oil spill in the underrated car

It is specially formulated to adhere to critical parts of the engine and reduce engine wear. It ensures uninterrupted protection. Over time, anti-corrosive additives break down as contaminants and moisture accumulate.

Vehicles that have not been used for a long time are particularly vulnerable to engine moisture, as they do not generate heat responsible for the evaporation of moisture and condensation from normal operation. That’s why you should drive the car once a week for 20 to 30 minutes, in addition to changing the oil regularly.

4. Examine the interior surfaces of your car

In Malaysia, we are not strangers to moisture, the unfortunate product of which is a byproduct.

Cars with leather, fabric and even vinyl coating can run into this problem. It’s a quick fix that you can send your car to wash and absorb, but keep in mind that the mold can be returned if the car isn’t used.

For a simple home solution, you can do the following with common home ingredients:

a) Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar
b) Spray and saturate the affected areas
c) Aggressive brush
d) Ventilate and dry in the sun

5. Note the seals on your rubber cars

With Malaysian weather, drying air conditioning seals would be a nightmare.

You see, refrigerant is a pressurized gas that allows your air conditioner to cool the air. If this is too low, the A / C will stop throwing cold air.

The coolant does not run out (the way the car uses gasoline) or needs to be worn out and replaced (like your engine oil). So if the refrigerant level is low, there is only one possible reason: it has escaped.

Auto A / C systems often have rubber components and seals. And if the A / C system is idle for a while, the rubber can crack and the coolant can escape.

The car of another colleague who regularly parked outside hardened the passenger side door seals due to little use

Your door seals can also suffer the same fate, especially if your car is not regularly parked in a shaded area. And with the rainy season coming to an end this year, that’s another problem you’d like to fix soon, or leaks can also cause the mold problem mentioned above.

Tip: Avoid the problem by turning on the vehicle and electric air next time for ten minutes.

6. Make sure the brake works

When you haven’t driven in a long time, two things need to happen before you can shrink.

First, check your vehicle’s brake fluid level. You need to visually check your fluid level in front of the marks on the translucent brake fluid reservoir. Remove the reservoir cap and note that the fluid looks healthy or dirty.

If the brake fluid is low, the brake that needs urgent repair may indicate a problem. Dirty brake fluid can indicate water pollution; the vehicle’s brake system should be cleaned at your local workshop.

If the brake fluid level is good, the next thing to do is press the brakes.

Brake rotors and drums are made of plain steel with little anti-corrosion treatment. When they are sitting in humid environments, a thin layer of rust will begin to form on their surfaces.

When you go on a trip, take some time to slowly press and release the brake pedal before starting. Then, with a window or two down, listen.

If you hear a slight or moderate abrasion noise from the brakes, avoid panic stops and instead brake gently during the first stops.

This will allow the brake plate to erode the rust buildup without overheating the rotor and reduce the chances of a brake vibration that will need to replace the healing rotor.

Tip: If you leave your car untouched for a while, become a regular parking brake user, using these systems is key to preventing them from being caught.

As a person waiting for her next road trip, many of these are tips that my colleagues have shared with me. We’ve all had problems with cars in recent weeks, using them for the first time in a long time (all the images in this article have been from the Vulcan Post team).

These problems can be easily identified and then solved with the right tools and professional advice, so be safe as you walk the roads again.

  • Learn more about Castrol MAGNATEC Engine Oil .


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