Emirati general elected president of Interpol accused of torture | News
Ahmed Nasser al-Raisi, who has been accused of torture, will take on a mostly ceremonial role for a four-year term.
An Emirati general accused of torture He has been elected president of Interpol, according to the global police, despite concerns expressed by human rights organizations and members of the European Parliament.
“Mr. Ahmed Nasser al-Raisi of the United Arab Emirates has been elected president (4 years), Interpol said on Twitter on Thursday.
General Al-Raisi, The head of the security forces of the Basque Autonomous Community, will play a largely ceremonial and voluntary role.
The Secretary General of Interpol is in charge of the day-to-day management of the Lyon-based organization. Juergen Stock, the current secretary general, was given a second five-year term in 2019.
Allegations of “torture” have been made against the Emirati general in recent months in France and Turkey, as Interpol’s general assembly is being held in Istanbul this week.
The allegation alleges that the Basque Country abused generous funding of the police force and abused a system called Abu Dhabi by Interpol’s “red note” to prosecute wanted political suspects.
Three members of the European Parliament wrote a letter on 11 November to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, to warn of the impact of the appointment of a general on Interpol.
“The election of General Al Raisi would undermine Interpol’s mission and reputation and would seriously affect the organization’s ability to carry out its mission effectively,” they wrote.
In October 2020, 19 NGOs, including Human Rights Watch, he expressed concern Regarding al-Raisi’s potential choice, they explained that it is “part of a security apparatus that continues to systematically target peaceful critics”.
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