First Astronaut Holoportation, Orbital NFTs Launched – Press Release
Los Angeles, CA, Jan. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Subtractive and Fabrik Labs presented the first astronauts to ever use PORTL hologram devices to interact with the public and showcase their NFTs at the L.A. Art Show. Dr. Sian Proctor and Ron Garan are the first astronauts (along with Nicole Stott) to create NFTs inspired by their experiences orbiting Earth. Those NFTs, “Seeker” by Dr. Proctor, “Perspective (aka Space Selfie),” and “I-SOAR” by Garan—with animated, spoken word and music elements embedded—are on view in the PORTL Epic unit at the center of the convention floor.
Dr. Proctor was the mission pilot of Inspiration4, the first all-civilian orbital flight, and is also the first Black woman to pilot a spacecraft. She was recently named to the The Explorer’s Club 50: Fifty People Changing the World. Garan is a former NASA astronaut who has logged more than 71 million miles orbiting Earth and written three books based on his experiences.
“Seeing myself in the PORTL, I felt as if I was beaming up to the Startship Enterprise,” said Garan.
Both cite the Overview Effect – the change in point of view a person feels after seeing the Earth from orbit, and the inspiration to share the need to protect – as part of the drive behind creating their artwork and the NFTs. Previous NFTs by the astronauts have been auctioned to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
The event at the L.A. Art Show is the latest to utilize PORTL as way to mix interactive appearances by notable people and showcase NFTs. At Art Basel Miami, PORTL displayed NFTs and other digital objects in partnership wth ArtRepublic, SuperRare, Maxim of electornic dance band The Prodigy, Open Earth Foundation, BitBasel, DeadMau5, and Micah Johsnon‘s Aku World. PORTL has also been used for NFT display by NBA champion Danny Green, Nicole Buffett, the Haas Brothers and amfAR at its Cannes gala for Spike Lee.
Info on visiting the L.A. Art Show:
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About Dr. Sian Proctor:
Dr. Proctor is a geoscientist, explorer, space artist, and astronaut. She was the mission pilot for the Inspiration4 all-civilian orbital mission to space. She is also one of The Explorer’s Club 50: Fifty People Changing the World. Her motto is called Space2inspire where she encourages people to use their unique, one-of-a-kind strengths, and passion to inspire those within their reach and beyond. She believes that we need to actively strive for a J.E.D.I. space: a just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive space as we advance human spaceflight. She uses her afrofuturism space art to encourage conversations about women of color in the space industry.
About Ron Garan:
Ron Garan is a former NASA astronaut that traveled 71,075,867 miles in 2,842 orbits of our planet during more than 178 days in space and 27 hours and 3 minutes of EVA during four spacewalks. Ron flew on both the US Space Shuttle and the Russian Soyuz spacecraft. He also participated in the joint NASA-NOAA, NEEMO-9 mission, an exploration research mission held in Aquarius, the world’s only undersea research laboratory. He is the author of the books The Orbital Perspective – Lessons in Seeing the Big Picture from a Journey of 71 Million Miles, Floating in Darkness: A Journey of Evolution, and Railroad to the Moon. Ron’s personal website bio can be found at:
About Subtractive:
Subtractive Inc. is a 16-year-old creative company based out of a hangar at the Santa Monica Airport. Working in collaboration with various music, film, and fine artists, Subtractive has ventured into the NFT space by making its own bespoke NFT launches the most recent of which is and For more info:
About Fabrik Labs:
Fabrik Labs is riding the new NFT wave and we invite you to come along. We believe that NFTs present an unprecedented opportunity for creatives to gain success and recognition across all domains and disciplines. At Fabrik NFT Labs, we take an aggressively proactive approach. As a long-time player in the international art world, with roots in art publishing and representing artists in the conventional art market, Fabrik NFT Labs is focused on equipping creators with the tools they need to leverage the new digital marketplace, empowering them to attain new levels of economic prosperity. Fabrik NFT Labs is directed by founder Chris Davies, an LA-based art world entrepreneur with a background in music, design, marketing and technology. More info at
About PORTL Inc.:
PORTL Inc. is the maker of hologram devices and the software and cloud services to support holoportation. Founded in 2018 by inventor and CEO David Nussbaum, its award-winning products are now in use all over the world, beaming executives, tech and science experts, and sports and music celebrities to events, displaying NFTs and other objects, and becoming a vital new tool for education, retail, marketing, and the hospitality industry. The Tim Draper-backed startup has recently been named the number one new technology at Mobile World Congress 2021 in Barcelona, the Best new Telecom Startup by the IT awards, and a three time CES Innovation Awards Honoree for 2022. PORTL’s headquarters are in Los Angeles and it has satellite and distributor showrooms in New York, Las Vegas, and Dubai. PORTL seeks to bring people together across every kind of divide. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram. For more information go to
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