Business News

From Tuk tuket to COVID testing, YouTube tests Bitcoin use cases in several countries by Cointelegraph


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A YouTuber embarked on a journey in September while traveling to 40 different countries to see if he could only survive as a means of payment.

Speaking to Cointelegraph on Monday, youtuber Paco De La India – or “Paco from India” – said that the expansion of omicron slightly changed his original travel plans, but he was still amazed at how many people accepted Bitcoin (BTC) in countries where the cryptography was in a gray legal or regulatory area. Starting his trip to the Indian city of Bengaluru, Paco sold his belongings in September 2021 and relied on BTC donations to fund his trip, and has so far traveled to India, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand and Cambodia.

Paco, speaking from Siem Reap in Cambodia