
Have a Lovely Weekend. | Cup of Jo – Wired PR Lifestyle Story


Central Park Manhattan

What are you up to this weekend? We are heading to Austin to see old friends. Can’t wait to eat breakfast tacos and hit up Barton Springs. Chag Sameach and Happy Easter to those who celebrate! Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web

You never know what’s going on in people’s lives.


Also packing this!

Who’s hungry for citrusy cheesecake?

The trailer for ‘I Love That For You‘a new Showtime comedy, looks great.

“Old Enough!” is a Japanese reality TV show about toddlers running errands alone. “The errands inevitably go awry. Yuka briefly forgets to buy tempura, for instance, and another three-year-old forgets what she has been asked to do because she is too busy talking to herself. ” (New York Times)

Are you taking a vacation or trip? A helpful guide for parents.

“I tried slow living in a remote Welsh cottage and this is what I learned. ”

Corrections and clarifications to our first date. (New Yorker)

This title made me laugh.

Plus, two reader comments:

Says Erin on what to cook when you don’t feel like cooking: “I make what I call ‘BITs’ and have lured several friends to my Cult of Bits: you simply chop a small amount of every single vegetable you have on hand and slice up high-quality hot dogs / sausages and toss with olive oil and your favorite seasoning blend (right now I am obsessed with Cavender’s Greek Seasoning). Then onto a sheet pan and into the toaster oven for ~ 35 minutes until the edges of the veg are starting to char. Then scoop over a cup of microwaved rice or next to a scoop of cottage cheese and dig in. ”

Says Bec on what’s a kind thing someone did for you: “Recently I ended up in hospital with a large ovarian cancer tumor that urgently needed to be taken out. I had to leave in an ambulance before my four-year-old daughter woke up. We were staying at my parents’ house, and in the shuffle of getting my daughter home to my husband in the city, her beloved teddy bear was left behind. With everything else, this was all too much for her little soul. My husband promised her tear-filled cheeks that he would get the bear back – not having a clue how he would do it. My parents, who were at the hospital with me, asked their kind neighbor for help. Not only did she manage to rescue Bear, but she also documented Bear’s entire journey home by creating a detailed storybook with photos. The story included how she found Bear reading a book about boats ‘because with books you can never be too lonely.’ They went to her house and met her dog. They even ate a bowl of blackberries ‘for being sad had made Bear very hungry.’ Then Bear was flown for free on a seaplane ‘because he was a very important bear.’ Over the next few weeks, while I was still in the hospital, my husband and daughter read the story of Bear every night before bed. One night, she paused at the photo of Bear eating blackberries and whispered quietly ‘I knew he was real.’ ”

(Photo by Jared Harrell / Stocksy.)


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