
How Stella Simona prepares for her Sunday night routine for success – Wired PR Lifestyle Story


Just as a good night is worth a good morning, a happy Sunday brings a happy week. In this series, we explore the weekend rituals of the people we admire, to find out how they prioritize rest and tranquility before Monday’s madness arrives. Next, go inside Stella Simonarena Impressive co-founder of the Sunday Night Routine Haati Chai and Yellow jewelry.

Do you have people in your life who you call friends, but have never met in person? The same. I’ve known virtually many people who were digital friends for months (sometimes more) than taking IRL. Because of the many flaws, Instagram has truly been a tremendous platform for making and promoting friendships, not forgetting access to professional relationships that weren’t available before. My true friendship with Stella Simona began in this way as a cyber connection. I was immediately attracted to her skin care, style and family for her minimal, easy and slow approach. When we met at a recent event a few years ago, she was as hot as her aesthetic, and her beauty is dazzling.

When she’s not bothering us with her skin care tips, Simona is the inspector behind the jewelry lines, Haati Chai and Yellow. Based on its heritage, journey of culture and self-discovery, each piece was designed to become the daily heir passed down from generation to generation. With 113,000 followers on Instagram, Simona sees her platform as a space for much more than pure beauty. It has also become a pulpit for raising awareness about issues and organizations that prove that profits and goals can be shared in business.

With so many dishes (and two thriving guys), we wanted to know more about Simon’s Sunday wind routine to achieve a week’s success. Continue reading to learn about her weekend ritual, which includes preparing meals, candles, and welfare music.

What time does your Sunday night routine start and why?

My Sunday afternoon usually starts around 9pm, which is after my boys go to bed. As a mom and entrepreneur, I lead a busy life and that’s why I always prioritize myself over an afternoon routine.

What’s the first thing you do to help you relax on a Sunday night?

I turn on the music to feel good. This immediately helps me mentally change gears. On Sundays I usually walk with my family and kids and this music is the start of my personal Sunday afternoon.

Please take us from the Sunday night routine to the beginning to the end.

After I turn on my music, I light a candle and pour warm tea. After creating the atmosphere, I start tidying up the bedroom. This involves sorting out my wardrobe and a variety of things. Being mindful and aware of my space and environment is essential to my creativity, productivity, and rest. After finishing the wash, I disconnect with a soothing bath and a beauty routine.

I love using it Lord Jones bath salt in my bath water — it smells beautiful and leaves my skin smooth while it calms my whole body. I also apply a moisture mask while bathing. My favorite mask is right now True Botanicals to renew the moisture mask. When I finish the bath I take a quick shower and apply it Josie Maran body wash to remove all dead skin. Then I dry the skin by gently tapping it with a towel to keep my skin moist while I care for the skin. I use the products I use on my face because I realize that this keeps my skin looking its best. I start with Erborian Yuza double ointment and then Laneige skin toner and moisturizer from head to toe. Then I apply Oak Essentials Ritual Oil on my face and Elements of Klur Comfort in the body. Some evenings I end up giving my face and neck a massage with mine ReFa 4 carat body tool.

All of these rituals help me reset them and set the tone for next week.

Do you pick up on Sunday fears? If so, how do you deal with them?

By no means. I feel calm every Sunday and I am very eager to make sure I have a quiet schedule on this day. Overall, I’m optimistic about next week. I love my life and what I do. I always prioritize putting what I handle on my plate so I don’t get to a point where I feel so overwhelmed. On Sundays, I sit down and plan my calendar for next week, which leaves me in control and excited about what’s to come. I always plan some work and personal life tasks that I know will be enjoyable for me, which really helps me feel positive on a daily basis.

Do you work on Sunday nights?

In addition to organizing my schedule, I don’t work on Sundays. We don’t recognize that our bodies need to rest in order to be happy and productive, which is why I have made a commitment to leave on Sundays to do so.

What things do you need never do it on Sunday night?

Make sure you pay attention to charging on Sundays.

Never be too late. Going to bed at the right time will allow you to feel strong next week.

Try not to talk to a bunch of people in the evening. You want to bend over backwards, because next week will probably mean a lot of meetings, calls, and so on.

Don’t eat badly, you need to eat well lethargy and not be in a good mood.

What’s on your nightstand?

My nightstand is always minimal.

I have something for my lips and a beautiful scent that helps me disconnect my whole body oil …Klur Comfort Chicken Items, and Summer Fridays Lip Balm Vanilla Beige.

Do you watch TV / movies on Sunday evenings? What are you seeing right now?

Actually, I don’t. I’m pretty far away from what’s on TV these days.

Are you preparing lunch for next week? If so, walk us.

Yes. I love preparing lunch because it makes my week more enjoyable. I usually select a few key vegetables and two types of protein such as asparagus, green beans, potatoes, eggs and salmon, then I cut and season everything and put it in the fridge to eat three to four days a week. We ask you to bring it for the family one day a week. It is very helpful to know in advance what you are eating and, more importantly, we are not getting to that point where we feel hungry while working and running; it’s one less thing to worry about.

Do you have a favorite bed that you swear to sleep more peacefully?

Parachute it makes clothes very soft and while I have a new set of them in bed I will have the most relaxed sleep.

What books are you reading now and do you recommend reading on a Sunday night to prepare for next week?

I am currently listening to an audio book called Green lights By Matthew McConaughey, who shares his perspective on life and what he has learned from them. He thinks it’s a love letter to life, I’d say it’s a good Sunday reading.

Do you put your phone to bed or do you avoid social media? What are your social / technological hygiene habits?

No, I actually put my phone in another room when I go to bed. I also lock the exact hours of the day I leave the phone in another room away from me so I can be more present.


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