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How we got there and why we need its Web3 upgrade By Cointelegraph


The creator economy: How we arrived there and why we need its Web3 upgrade

Does the term “creator economy” make you think of some idealistic environment where creativity, authenticity and passion are key values? Where true Michelangelos and da Vincis drive progress through their talents without struggling for food and proving themselves all their lives to get a chance to be recognized posthumously? If so, I’m with you.

Though creativity has existed as long as humanity, we started to discuss it as the new economic paradigm not so long ago. What’s more, now we even talk about it in the Web3 dimension. To better understand what it is, first, let’s walk through the backstory of the creative economy. How did we actually get here? Often, looking back at the past is a great way to get real insights into what is happening today. It won’t make you yawn, I promise.

1. From the agrarian to the industrial economy

2. From the industrial to the consumer economy

3. From the consumer to the creative economy

4. From the creative to the creative economy

Julie Plavnik has a Ph.D. in law, was a corporate lawyer in the past, and is now a Web3 content strategist and heavy-info blog-posts writer. Julie is excited like a kid about the Web3 movement.