Italy’s antitrust watchdog puts more than $ 225 million on Apple and Amazon New Technologies
The watchdog has ordered Amazon and Apple to end restrictions on sales competition and give sellers “non-discriminatory” access.
The Italian antitrust guardian has fined Apple and Amazon more than 200 million euros ($ 225 million) for violating EU rules for collaborating to reduce competition in the sale of Apple and Beats branded products.
An investigation found that the provisions of a 2018 U.S. technology giant agreement restricted access to the Italian Amazon market to selected vendors, the Italian Competition Authority said on Tuesday.
The supervisor fined Apple 134.5 million euros ($ 151.32 million) and fined Amazon 68.7 million euros ($ 77.29 million). He also promised to end the restrictions and give vendors access in a “non-discriminatory manner”.
Apple and Amazon said they would file an appeal.
“The proposed fine is disproportionate and unjustified,” Amazon said. “We reject Amazon’s suggestion that ICA would take advantage of its exclusion of sellers from our store because our business model is based on their success.”
Apple said it respects the Italian Competition Authority “but we believe we have done nothing wrong.”
Joining selected vendors helps ensure customer safety by ensuring that the products are genuine, Apple said.
“Non-genuine products offer a poor experience and can often be dangerous,” Apple said. “To ensure that our customers buy real products, we work closely with our vendor partners and have teams of experts around the world to enforce the law, work with customs and retailers to ensure that only real Apple products are sold.”
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