Netflix, Please Add a ‘View’ Button already

It’s Sunday morning. I’m out of bed but I’m a little awkward and I’m going to the couch. I need something smooth to see. My wife and I like to watch whodunnits and court dramas made for TV on mornings like this, but various streaming services it may take half an hour or more to explore to get a good perspective.
We finally agree and settle down, holding cups of steamed tea in our hands, but we soon realize that we have seen this from our wife. I’m not convinced and I argue that we should give it another 10 minutes. Sometimes the reason you don’t remember a movie is because it’s a dominant turkey; sometimes you just have to follow a predictable formula think you’ve seen it before. “Same he did, but dressed as a boy, ”begs my wife. He is right, he is right. Guk be seen. Return to endless search.
Streaming services follow everything I see, so why can’t I filter what I’ve seen? I would like a way to mark things I saw a few years ago or things I saw in another service as well. While we’re at it, why not let the musicals filter through, Big Bang Theory, and something with James Corden? Most streaming services have been slow to add these quality of life updates, but they can save valuable time on those weird weekends with no worries.
Endless libraries
We definitely see that too much TV, especially during almost two years of intermittent blockades. But I know that there are unknown gems in these streaming services; it is difficult to reach them. Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney + offer a line of movies and shows divided into categories and genres, but I increasingly feel that each row has the same titles, mixed (viewed) in a different order. zu, Prime Video).
Deciding what to recommend has been an issue since streaming services from day one. There are objective rows, such as the 10 most popular or trending in your country, but how do these platforms decide what you want to see next? Netflix has a thumbs up or down system, but it’s not entirely clear what it does. So I asked him.
If you rate something up or down, it assumes you’ve seen Netflix on the service or elsewhere, a Netflix spokesperson told me. If the thumb goes up, it should trigger suggestions for related content, and a down should offer fewer similar sessions or movies. So far, so simple.
The related content depends on a group of Netflix people who tag all the sessions and movies on the platform. These people add descriptors like “horror, mystery, underestimation, painful and frightening” to publications like Midnight Mass, for example. This way, the system can cross tags to suggest similar shows and movies. Or not, if you didn’t like the show.
Look at someone else’s profile, and you’ll probably see a big difference in the types of shows and movies that Netflix recommends. Unfortunately, because you value something, it doesn’t necessarily disappear, which can make you feel that the valuation system doesn’t do much.
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