Online potato chips brand with honest Malaysian marketing – Wired PR Lifestyle Story

Among the snacks offered in both large and small supermarkets, most people have their own brand of chips. For me, it’s Pringles because it makes it easier to store their storage if I don’t end up in a seat.
Yeou Shen, although a chip lover, is concerned with health. He determined that it finds value in non-commercial hand-made chips, made without preservatives, flavor enhancers and colorants.
Wanting to prove to Malaysians that chips can be tasty without relying on artificial flavors, RM15K invested seed capital to introduce its snack brand. all, named after the Chinese word potato (土豆).
But what intrigued me the most about this business was not just its product, the seemingly disconnected sex brand that supposedly takes food porn to the next level.
Just check out her Instagram page and you’ll find her products with flavors like Slutty Salted Egg Ylk, Horny Salted Egg Ylk and Flirty Mala.
Was this meant to be some kind of aphrodisiac?
Sex is sold
Behind Tudòs is graphic designer Yeou Shen and former colleague Sim. They both have experience working in an advertising agency, and seeing their origins, they told Vulcan Post that there is an old saying in the world of advertising and marketing, which is that it sells sex.
Knowing this, the couple decided to use this as a marketing trend in tudòs to give their brand of chips a way to stand out among the already crowded place. Laboratory Dining Room, and much more.

Yeou Shen explained that food and sexuality have been linked in different ways throughout history.
Good food has neural pathways similar to good sex; both are physically linked to the limbic system of the brain and extract dopamine, which is a hormone that expresses longing. Dopamine plays an important role in humans and we have no stronger desire to eat and reproduce.
Yeou Shen, creator and creative director of tudòs.
Investigating their audience, Yeou Shen and Sim found that young citizens often have conversations about sex, either as a serious discussion or as a harmful joke.
they justified the fact that talking about sex in the twentieth century should not be taboo. This is because having comfortable communication on the subject helps to develop healthy attitudes toward sex and encourages responsible sexual behaviors.
“These are the reasons why the tudòs brands have been placed in a more juicy and sexual light,” they noted. “To connect with our audience, and to bring the pleasure of sensual pleasure by eating a delicious bag of good quality chips.”
The risk paid off
Malaysia is a conservative country made up of many who do not support a brand with a greater sexual identity, which could open up consequences.
The business partners agreed, and understood that they might suffer a backlash from choosing a bold and provocative brand. However, after debating back and forth, they decided to collectively move out of a safe area and take a creative risk.
“We are trying to attract the attention of our brand and dispel the stigma of conversation about sex in a humorous and light-hearted way, not rude,” the team assured.
And the risk bore fruit. So far, Yeou Shen and Sim have reported that they have not yet received any adverse reactions from customers about the tudòs brand. This means that their buyer has so far been part of a more open group that also enjoys bad marketing.

Although customers agree with the initial target market, the couple was surprised to see that 80% of buyers were women, reflecting that this group is more receptive to the brand’s message.
That said, the Tudos had some tough moments when it came to showing it to the public.
“When we wanted to appear in flea markets or bazaars, or when we were trying to increase our ads on Facebook or Instagram, we knew we had a few small problems,” Yeou Shen said.
He shared that they are still looking for bazaars that can receive their brand message, that they have been able to make ads on Instagram by lowering the copy used in paid ads. Otherwise, tudòs is mostly based on word of mouth marketing.
Learning the ropes of e-commerce
tudòs products are sold individually per RM25 package and in 3 batches:
- 138 gift range (RM138) – 3 tudòs french fries package with a bottle of wine and a limited edition bag;
- 90 pintxo box (RM90) – 4 tudòs potato chips;
- 69 sorta (RM69) – 3 tudos chip package.
As the brand is on the sidelines and Yeou Shen’s first venture, he shared that selling snacks online isn’t the easiest ride. Managing all the elements of e-commerce has led to a loss of one or two orders from customer service to packaging and logistics.
“Since then, I’ve learned to delegate and work on my planning and organizational skills,” the 26-year-old said.

After 4 months, the tudòs group of 2 credits their moment of progress to their most recurring customers to spread the word about their chips.
We were told that most of the initial customers were impressed and amused by the brand and juicy packaging. After tasting the chips from Tudòs, however, they started to return and sent the brand to their friends and relatives.
The most proud moment for the group was on the day of the presentation of the tudòs, where they had to run out of initial stock and immediately put it into production to meet the demands.
To date, Yeou Shen and Sim have reported that they have sold more than 2,000 packages of tudòs chips since July 2021.
If the business continues to operate from home, Yeou Shen expects to relocate production to a larger facility in the near future as the business grows.
The couple plans to expand their product offering by creating more flavors of chips, other types of snacks and even limited-edition bundles. They are also working to expand the shipment to eastern Malaysia and potentially Singapore.
- You can find out more about Tudòs here.
- You can read more of the Malaysian F&B brands we’ve worked on here.
Credit for Outstanding Image: Yeou Shen, creator and creative director of tudòs
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