Party on: New revelations put pressure on UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson News

Announcements of the birthday gatherings are coming up this week, with an official report on Downing Street festivities to be posted on the COVID-19 blockade.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under increasing pressure after his office was approved at another Downing Street meeting, this time to celebrate his 2020 birthday.
The birthday party was held on the evening of June 19 and was organized by Johnson’s wife, who brought a cake, ITV News reported.
The event was attended by about 30 people, including Lulu Lytle, an interior designer and non-employee who led the controversial renovation of Johnson’s home, the announcer said. The party lasted between 20 and 30 minutes, with the group singing Happy Birthday to Johnson.
“A group of staff working at No. 10 that day met briefly in the Cabinet Room after a meeting to wish the Prime Minister a happy birthday. He was there for less than ten minutes,” Downing Street said in a statement.
ITV and the Independent also reported that a group of family and friends also celebrated at Johnson’s apartment that evening.
“This is a complete lie,” the prime minister’s office said.
Johnson is already facing numerous allegations sometimes ‘boozy’ parties It was done in the 2020 and 2021 blockades, in violation of government pandemic rules. An official investigation into the public outcry in a country with the highest number of COVID-19 deaths in Europe will be published this week.
Does a cake party?
Does singing Happy Birthday serve as a party?
For many people, it was more than a party for millions, including many who would not have seen another birthday.
– Paul Brand (@PaulBrandITV) January 24, 2022
“Johnson has completely lost his authority,” Nick Timothy wrote in the right-wing Daily Telegraph. Timothy Downing was the chief of staff on the street in the government of Theresa May, Johnson’s former Conservative.
“The collapse of Johnson’s rule is causing widespread political dysfunction and a greater risk to the Conservatives,” he said. “Johnson is no longer known, he is no longer powerful.”
The 57-year-old Johnson government has been tainted by a series of controversies, including Lytle’s costly renovation of the Downing Street apartment and the ongoing allegations of corruption in the custody of ministers.
Johnson faces new allegations of Islamophobia within his party, Nusrat Ghani, who lost his job as a small transport minister in February 2020, told the Sunday Times by a “zote” – an executive in a parliamentary discipline. his “Muslims”Was raised as a matter of course.
The Conservatives won a landslide victory in the 2019 election, but recent polls suggest the Labor Party has more support.
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