
Marianna Hewitt’s House proves that neutral decor can be full of personality – Wired PR Lifestyle Story


If anyone understands the importance of maintaining your brand, it’s Marianna Hewitt. Founder of the trusted influencer and cult skin line, On summer Fridays he lives and breathes the beautiful simplicity that has become synonymous with his name. Naturally, this cohesion extends to his home, and since everything Hewitt touches makes him look great on social media, his California residency has garnered his fans on Pinterest and Instagram.

Hewitt named it to give it its perfect look Find the house the creator, Erick Garcia, who has the skill to insert unique elements into the quietest spaces. A look at his inner LA doesn’t make him look like a neutral figure.

“It was a fun experience for our team to work together @marianna_hewitt To create a getaway from Paris in the middle of Los Angeles, ”Garcia said Posted on Instagram. “His house has been a favorite of many of you, and we have certainly felt the love you have given us in the few advances you have shared.”

Image of the author Ye Rin Mok, kindly Find the house

Garcia recently posted the full tour of Hewitt’s house on his site, and it’s easy to understand the appeal. From an inviting individual bathtub to an elegant but simple marble dining room, the house is filled with soothing neutrals and striking moments.

With Hewitt’s nice pad that brings out so many items with followers (and in the end the whole space), Architectural Digest The quiet look at home has touched the couple for advice on DIY. Below are some of our favorite ways to give a little personality to remote spaces. Visit Get a full list of Hewitt’s tips.

Image of the author Ye Rin Mok, kindly Find the house

Local and Vintage Store

As much as we love ours cheap home design sites, nothing can compare to the feeling of finding something that matches the IRL. It’s a quick find of everything, but it’s a story, a story that makes a piece truly unique: meeting the creator, the shopkeeper, or falling in love with a local store.

At Hewitt’s house, you’ll find a vintage leather chair JF Chen sitting pretty close together Anthropologie coffee table to get a thoughtful mix of the old and the new.

Image of the author Ye Rin Mok, kindly Find the house

Lean to Pinterest

Hewitt mentions In collaboration with Garcia, “to make a real Pinterest board come alive.” Take the trail of an aesthetically pleasing entrepreneur and explore a helpful site. “Always look for inspirational images and add them to new whiteboards,” Hewitt said he tells Architectural Digest.

Image of the author Ye Rin Mok, kindly Find the house

Paint yourself

We’re in favor of asking for help when you need it (your mind is probably worth too much money), but when you’re inspired to tackle a painting project, the results can be very rewarding.

According to the beauty guru, the easiest way to recreate Hewitt’s house is to imitate the plaster look of Venice. Fortunately The richness of DIY on Youtube has it covered you — and your walls?


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