Try These Bath Rituals to Heal and Nourish From the Outside In – Wired PR Lifestyle Story
You’ve had a long day. Your alarm went off way too early, you ran out of coffee, and the pile of work on your desk seems to have grown overnight. But, because you’re you, you manage to get everything done and still cook a delicious and healthy dinner. Now, it’s 8 o’clock, and although your to-do list is empty, your mind won’t seem to turn off. Enter bath rituals. If I had it my way, I would take a bath every day. Of course, my schedule doesn’t always allow it, but when I have a spare hour, it’s out with the lights and on with the faucet. Plus, a few scented candles and bath salts, obviously.
In my experience, there’s not much that a hot bath can’t fix. Anxiety wreaking havoc in your mind? Take a bath and a few deep breaths. Feeling a cold coming on? Take a detox bath. Had an amazing day? Take a bath to celebrate. Of course, by the time the water is cold and I have to get out the world hasn’t changed, but for those blissful moments in the bath, I’m at ease. Because my own personal bath rituals play such an important role in my life, I was curious to see how our editors unwind with their own bath rituals. From our favorite products to our best tips and tricks, we’ve gathered everything you need to know to create your own oasis from life.
Read on for our editors’ bath rituals, and then create your own.
Describe your Bath Ritual:
As I mentioned above, if I could take a bath every day, I would. Realistically, though, it happens about 3-4 times a week, but always on Sunday. Depending on the time of day, I either sprinkle in some lavender bath salts to promote sleep or add in some bath oils for extra moisture throughout the day. While the water is flowing, I straighten up the rest of my bathroom because I cannot relax while looking at a mess. I set out a large glass of water, sometimes some hot tea, a body scrub, and my chosen form of entertainment right before getting in. Finally, I turn off all of the lights, light a few candles, and soak in my favorite part of the day.
Bath products used:
Describe your Bath Ritual:
If I’m lucky, I get in a good soak once a week. What’s required for me to get all bubbly in the tub? First and foremost, a clean tub! I wouldn’t dare step foot into the tub unless I know it’s been cleaned (and rinsed thoroughly) with some super gentle, non-toxic cleaning products, of course! I’m partial to Branch Basics. Next, I like to turn off the lights completely. Whether it’s day or not, it doesn’t matter. And yes, every single light. That way, I can take a tub by the natural glow of a fave candle. Oftentimes I do nothing in the bath except stare at the ceiling and do my best to be present. Other times, I’ll finally devour a cookbook — my latest go-to’s are Jessica Seinfeld’s Vegan, At Times, and Alison Roman’s Nothing Fancy.
Bath products used:
Describe your Bath Ritual:
I dedicate Sunday evenings (and honestly anytime I’m freezing cold) to bath time. Sundays are typically my long-run days so the best time to do a good muscle soak. Before I hop in the bath, I dry brush my entire body to get the lymphatic system moving. Lately, I’ve been using a mix between Parachute x Osea Sleep Time Bath Salts and milk & honey’s muscle soak in the actual bath. It’s lights-out with a good candle for me. Sometimes I pick a chill playlist off Spotify, but most of the time I’m catching up on the Nikki Glaser Podcast or Sex With Emily (honestly both have great and real relationship advice). While I’m soaking, I usually do my Virtue Keratin Treatment Hair Mask and an SK-II face mask. Never fails! After my bath, I pop my melatonin and magnesium and basically roll right into bed .., by 9 pm, of course.
Bath products used:
Describe your Bath Ritual:
I’m obsessed with baths and they are my Sunday escape from my entire family. Typically as soon as the kids go to bed. Before I take a bath I do some dry brushing (this is my go-to brush) and a quick rinse off in the shower. My husband is really good about bringing me a glass of water and decaf tea to enjoy. I’m obsessed with soaking in Nececessary’s body wash in eucalyptus. The scent is relaxing and it doesn’t overdry my skin. If I really need to give myself the royal treatment I’ll throw on some type of moisture mask, usually Tata Harper hydrating floral mask and a lip treatment. This one by Three Ships Beauty is lovely and has been saving my lips from the harsh dry winter air. Lately, I haven’t had the energy to read or listen to music so I’ve been lighting a candle. I have a synthetic fragrance allergy so I stick to natural fragrance candles like this one from Heretic. Then I roll a towel behind my neck, shut my eyes, and try to turn my mind off.
Bath products used:
Describe your Bath Ritual:
A few nights out of the week, after the dinner clean-up is done and the kids wind down with a show, I run a hot bath, turn off the lights in the bathroom, and light a few candles. There’s something about turning off the overheads that instantly relaxes me. I love to slather on a face mask and lay there for a while with a book or turn on a podcast and close my eyes — heaven!
Bath products used:
Describe your Bath Ritual:
I’m a Friday night bath-taker. I love transitioning from the fast-paced workweek to setting the intention of slowing down for the weekend with a restorative bath. It might seem odd, but living in a cold, wet climate, I always start my routine with a walk or run outside. When I get back, my body and mind are primed for a warm-up. I switch between listening to podcasts (this is my current fave) or making progress in my book. The ritual will last anywhere from half an hour to 45 minutes — basically, I know it’s time to get out when my skin reaches prune status.
Bath products used:
Describe your Bath Ritual:
Since quarantine last year, I have upped my bathing ritual to at least 2-3 times a week. There is something so therapeutic and meditative about a bath — it forces me to pause and be present since there is nowhere else I can go and nothing I can do other than be in that moment. I love my hot steaming bath and I use the time to multi-mask along with a mini spa moment that typically includes a body salt scrub. I always have at least two face washcloths, multiple mask pots or tubes, and a dry hand towel nearby to rinse off each mask before reapplying. Oh, and I always light a candle and turn the lights off before I hop in — this really sets a calm and relaxing mood.
Bath products used:
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