World Diabetes Day and American Diabetes Month: Echosens Highlights Link Between Diabetes and Liver Disease, Urges Non-Invasive Detection and Monitoring – Press Release
Echosens, a high-technology company offering the FibroScan® family of products, recognizes the importance of World Diabetes Day (WDD), Nov. 14 and the month of November as American Diabetes Month for bringing greater focus to the impact of Type 2 diabetes and its link to metabolic syndrome (MetS) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). MetS is a cluster of risk factors specific for cardiovascular disease, and NAFLD is the accumulation of liver fat in people who drink little or no alcohol. Obesity is the most frequently observed component of MetS.
“WWD, a three-year campaign to improve access to diabetes care and prevent diabetes, and the American Diabetes Month present opportunities to highlight how obesity increases the risk for Type 2 diabetes, liver disease, MetS and heart disease,” says Dominique Legros, Echosens Group CEO. “Fat in the liver can increase the risks of progression of prediabetes to overt disease. Once a patient has fatty liver disease, diabetes may become more difficult to control, making it critical to obtain an early diagnosis and introduce lifestyle changes to halt or reverse NAFLD.”
NAFLD has 70% prevalence among Type 2 diabetes patients, and people living with Type 2 diabetes and NAFLD are at a two-fold risk of all-cause mortality versus those living with Type 2 diabetes alone. In the United States, 36.5% of adults are obese, while another 32.5% of American adults are overweight. Globally, about 13% of the world’s adult population has obesity and about 39% are overweight, according to the World Health Organization’s most recent statistics.
FibroScan, a painless, non-invasive exam at the point of care can measure and monitor the amount of liver stiffness and detect NAFLD in its earliest stages when the individual may be asymptomatic. It can be used to rule out the need for further assessment, such as a painful liver biopsy, saving time and resources for people who don’t need further assessment.
“The good news is that even moderate weight loss can significantly reduce liver fat in patients with NAFLD and play an essential role in the prevention and treatment of Type 2 diabetes,” adds Dominique Legros. “This November, we urge everyone touched by the growing liver disease epidemic to help promote advocacy efforts throughout the year and confront diabetes as a critical global health issue.”
To learn more, read “Early Detection, Healthy Diet and Lifestyle Changes Critical for Addressing Metabolic Syndrome and Halting Progression of Liver Disease.”
About Echosens
Pioneer in its field, Echosens significantly changed the practice of liver assessment with FibroScan®, the non-invasive solution for comprehensive management of liver health. FibroScan® is recognized worldwide and validated by over 3,000 peer reviewed publications and 140+ international guidelines. Echosens has made FibroScan® available in over 100+ countries enabling millions of liver examinations worldwide.
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