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Pictured: Forces to evacuate California Big Sur fires | New Galleries


Firefighters faced a wildfire in the rugged mountains of Big Sur on Sunday, forcing hundreds of residents to evacuate on a precarious coastline in the U.S. state of California and close to the main highway.

The fire started on Friday night in the Palo Colorado Gorge in Big Sur and spread rapidly to the sea, driven by strong winds of up to 80 km / h (50 mph).

The fire burned at least 6 square miles (2.3 square miles) of shrubs and redwood trees, according to California Forestry and Fire Protection spokeswoman Cecile Juliette.

“The fire was aligned with the wind and the ground, which gave the fire a lot of energy for a big run,” he said on Saturday.

Authorities contacted about 500 residents, asking them to evacuate the sparsely populated area between Carmel and Big Sur. More than 250 firefighters from various agencies and groups of volunteers, accompanied by planes falling down the water, contained about 20% of the fire by Saturday afternoon.

“The wind has come down and that has taken our side,” he said.


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