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Help! Do I need to save my vacation schedule?


Dear OOO,

I’m not ready to travel yet. It seems silly to use the holiday time I earn when I’m sitting at home. I could continue to work this year while saving for free days off. I’m tired, and I really feel like I need a break. What should I do?

– Portland, Oregon

This is the easiest question I have ever answered: USE YOUR HOLIDAY. USE NOW.

Do you really need to be convinced? [Dramatic sigh] Okay, let’s do this.

It seems dreamy to be in Tokyo or Santorini or where the future travels take you. It’s been so long since I’ve actually been able to call it sitting in another country while I’m listening to a language I don’t speak, and while I like something I like, rather than looking at buildings and trees. I’m used to it. So I understand the temptation not to miss the days that are not very exciting ”.

And it’s very hard to blame him for not feeling ready to travel, even though you’re completely embedded. Many countries have not yet reopened their borders to Americans, and they are in places where non-essential travel ethics can tighten health systems and lead to lower vaccination rates. complicated. For the first time in a year and a half, I’m flying in a couple of weeks to see a sick family member living all over the country, but I’m with you trying to wait longer to go on an optional international vacation.

And yet! This year has been unbearable for even the happiest of us, and working tirelessly will destroy you if you haven’t already. You need to take some time, even if it means sacrificing a more fun trip. You don’t need rest because you are weak, you need rest because you are a human being living in a dystopian time in history.

As your question indicates your human concern, I will assume that you are fully embedded or that you will soon be. (If you are not, because you are waiting?) I can’t decide your personal tolerance for your risk, but if you take your shots and wait two weeks, can I suggest that you have more options than sitting at home? Can you rent a campsite or camp in the woods? Can’t you stay and spend hours every day walking around Portland, a wonderful city with huge food trucks, asking to wear a mask and find a secluded place to sit? Can you swap home with a friend who lives within driving distance to shake you up? While none of these things may seem feasible or appealing to you, there should be ways to confuse your home routine: delivery meals. sheet masks! novels you’re delaying! – so the days don’t feel the same. Spending time outside, disguised or not, has been the key to my mind lately; 10/10, highly recommended.

Holidays can be a precious resource to save for the perfect trip, but I would encourage you to think more of them as fuel like your own, which you need to fill in from time to time to keep up. going. Maybe that means you won’t have enough free days this year for the explosion trip, but you won’t burn out this year either, which is an achievement. So take some time, you can run away from home or not. Send me a postcard in the yard.

Dear OOO,

My work messages come from different directions: Slack, email, Google Docs, Signal, text. I don’t know where to look first! Is there a way to stop the madness or at least form a hierarchy so that we can all climb the Stages of Urgent Importance?


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