7 best cooking tips I’ve learned from Reddit – Wired PR Lifestyle Story

In 2020 trying to divert my screen attention from Instagram and Twitter, I found myself immersed in a networked world I had never thought of: Reddit. Some may say that the site created by Serena Williams ’husband Alexis Ohanian in 2005 is as toxic as the aforementioned apps, and I’m sure that may be true, but Reddit has something missing from Twitter and Instagram: forums. moderate — sometimes very responsible — to support thoughtful conversations. There are communities (called sub-reds) from music and good news to The Real Housewives franchise, but that’s what I’ve found to be nothing but pure goodness. r / Cooking. “A place for Reddit chefs and those who want to learn how to cook,” I fall into this last category, and I’ve picked up some of the best cooking tips after a lively subreddit interview.
Cooking on Reddit, there is no silly question, just a thoughtful answer. It is a shelter for the protection of frustration based on the kitchen. (“I paused for a moment in silence as I strained the chicken broth”Remains a favorite post.) It’s the kind of place where Amy Adams’ character is Julie and Julia he would visit almost certainly — and perhaps annoy some people– to share his journey Mastery of the Art of French Cooking. For a beginner like me, visiting Cooking Reddit can feel like taking advantage of a wealth of completely free knowledge, all in a seemingly, often honest way. It is absolutely one of the best places on the internet.
I have been mining in the forum for over a year and occasionally save the thread that catches my eye along the way. Before many cooking holidays, I thought I’d share some of my favorite r / Cooking gems.
Baked bacon
Someone was very moved by a certain cooking tip, they made a new publication she shared her grandmother’s bacon recipe to thank the anonymous Redditor. Game-changing ingredient: flour. “A light dredger on both sides, place the slices on a sheet of paper-covered oven, and bake at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes. Without shrinking, completely crispy. Chef’s kiss!”
Spread the Love
u/ Jako_Spad asked the question: If you were allowed to use only one brand of butter for the rest of your life, which one would you choose? The clear winner: and soft Irish velvet gems which the chef prefers KerryGold. However, Salt Meadows it deserves an honorable mention, as well as Trader Joe’s salted butter.
One has to go
After trying to crown the best form of pasta (most agree on the sauce), it was time to pick the worst. Edo u / As BitPoet said, “the final level of bad pasta friendship, where it’s not something you’ll never buy, but a ‘I’m a horrible person who has hatred only in my heart’ that puts up the flag.”
Tough for the winner, penne lisce (smooth penne), but fair! After all, it was the only pasta left On the shelves of Italy in the early days of the pandemic.
State Pride
An adventurous chef (and Instagrammer) He wanted to prepare 50 different dishes to represent the United States, so they did a r / Cooking survey to find out the recipe that best represents each state. Understandably, the responses were passionate. From Maryland, there was a crab party with Old Bay seasoning. In Indiana, the Hoosier pork loin sandwich was the main attraction. Texas brought a brisket barbecue to the table, and for dessert, Iowa scotcharoos.
Healing hacks
Have you made a culinary discovery that has completely changed your game? u / Leonardo-di-Caprisun found two (using chicken broth cubes in pasta water and using scissors to cut almost anything, including chicken thighs), and he wanted to know what else hack “rare but life-changing.” had to be offered by other users.
Some favorites:
u / From JMSidhe: “Adding orange splash juice to pumpkin or banana bread. Acidity actually adds shine to the species.
From U / dalore: “The sweet powder on the chicken skin makes it very crunchy.”
From the U / 365 seat: “Keep the ginger in the freezer. Use a microplane or shredder in frozen ginger sauces, fried rice, etc.
From U / calinet6: “Okay, people call me crazy, they call me nuts, they laugh at me and every time I bring this up I vote down. But … the microwave is very useful to speed up the whole process of the potatoes for a while … Even better, fry the crispy potatoes, chop them and sprinkle with a little olive oil and salt and pepper, then cover with a microwave for five minutes. , then to be crispy directly in a cast iron skillet. It just speeds everything up and they come out delicious. ”
And a personal favorite, from u / mmcookingchannel: “Let the ends of things cut before you cut them. Use the end as a handle. ”
Comfortable food
r / Only in cooking could there be a completely empty and apolitical polling station. U / rawlingstones asked last November which everyone ate for the occasion. Most made a variant of “Spanish crushed red grapes”. A whole bottle, ”but some were creative. There were air fryers and Trader Joe’s corn crackers. Someone who finds distraction in food-intensive food projects decided to make a dish to represent all swing situations (first: Minnesota tator tot casserole). A user found a recipe from the 1940s “Election Cake”Made with lemon and raisins, was reported to be surprisingly tasty.
Rights of Pride
This fall, u / sir002 asked the r / Cooking community a question I never thought I would think: which is the best recipe of all? Sticky toffee pudding from Bolognese and tartar sauce, ingredients were shared and secrets were poured. HarperCollins, take note.
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