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Jeff Bezos goes into space. Third day: re-entry


It came as a result of the amazing dreams of another space billionaire Richard Branson. self-funded suborbital fall as something beyond human language. “I will never be able to do him justice,” he said his press conference. “It can’t be more beautiful.” The word he used was “inspiration”; space, in his view, was not an infinite void, but a mountain-top that changes the life that symbolizes what human beings can achieve.

Colin Bennet, Virgin’s chief operations engineer, was also on the flight, boarding the frightened train, imagining the space as a kind of sky. “It was great,” he said. “It’s very peaceful up there too. I jumped at the colors and how far they were. … I was crazy. “

Does space travel seem to be about inspiration, beauty, and a return to our natural state?

Of course, we’ve already heard a lot about the intangible magic of looking at Earth as NASA astronauts experienced spiritual moments when they had their work cut out for them. But as more and more people visit the space to work, rather than enter into a life-changing experience, the revelations move from a serendipitous side effect to the point of the subject. The premise of space tourism is not exactly guaranteed satori, but it is implicit. (That’s all very funny. The RSS First Step video showed New Shepard’s capsule showing the crew playing, throwing balls, and throwing gravity-free Skittles.)

But while Jeff Bezos was immersed in the amazement of flirting with space, the point is, after all, that all this ghost is secondary to him. The excitement and revelations of space travel are just one of the main reasons for launching the blue origin: millions of humans would leave Earth to live and reproduce in space colonies, spreading our species over a trillion souls.

It was explicit then I spoke to him in 2018: “I like the adventure of space; it’s great, ”he said. “But does that obscure the fact that our grandchildren’s grandchildren don’t have the stasis to deal with life. Basically, can we do it as a civilization, that is, do we extend to the solar system or do we accept stasis here on Earth? they’ve been around for years, and that’s the only thing I find very motivating personally. ”

At a post-flight press conference yesterday, he repeated the message, even tactically avoiding talking explicitly about space colonies. “What we’re doing isn’t just about adventure,” he said. “It simply came to our notice then. Because what we are doing is something big. … We will build a path to space so that our children — and their children — can build the future. ”

He insisted that his goal was not to escape from Earth saves for he is “the only good planet in the solar system.” But as I understood from the hours of conversation in 2018, he sees the Earth as a conservation, as a refuge, after moving destructive manufacturing to an unimaginable expanse of space so that natural ecology can thrive. The people who still live here will be the guardians of the Earth. Huge populations of humans living in prosperous galactic colonies — don’t think about the straits International Space Station, but massive green structures made up of lakes, shopping malls and stadiums – they can return to their home planet to receive visits or residences.


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