A ‘Last Hope’ experiment finds evidence of unknown particles

The Theory Initiative decided not to include the value of BMW in the official estimate for a number of reasons. The data-driven approach has a slightly smaller error bar, and three different research groups independently calculated the same thing. In contrast, BMW’s network calculation was unpublished last summer. Although the result came out very well with earlier and less accurate network calculations, another group did not repeat it with the same accuracy.
The decision of the Theory Initiative meant that the official theoretical value of the magnetic moment of the muon had a 3.7-sigma difference with Brookhaven’s experimental measurement. In 2012 he set the stage for what is most expected in particle physics due to the Higgs boson.
A month ago, the Fermilab Muon g-2 team announced that they would present the first results on April 7th. Particle physicists were happy. Laura Baudis, A physicist at the University of Zurich, said he was “counting the days” after advancing the result by 20 years. “If the new Fermilabe experiment confirms Brookhaven’s results,” he said, “it would be a tremendous achievement.”
Otherwise, if the anomaly were to disappear, some in the particle physics community would fear only the “end of particle physics,” Stöckinger said. The Fermilab g-2 experiment is “the last hope of an experiment that actually proves that physics exists beyond the standard model,” he said. If we don’t do that, many researchers “now give up and instead of research beyond the standard model of physics” we need to do something else. He added, “Actually, it may be my reaction.”
The Fermilab team of 200 people revealed the result just six weeks ago at the opening ceremony on Zoom. Tammy Walton, a team scientist, ran home to catch the show after experimenting with the night shift, which is currently doing its fourth run. (The new study collects data from the first session, which takes up 6% of what the experiment will eventually produce.) The most important thing when it appeared on the screen, along with the announcement of the Theory Initiative and Brookhaven’s measurement, was Walton. he is glad to see him land higher than the first, and quite pleased with the second. “People will be excited,” he said.
Articles proposing various ideas for new physics are expected to flood the Archive in the coming days. However, from then on, the future is unclear. What was an illuminating rift between theory and experiment has been clouded by a more vague cloud of calculus.
It is likely that the calculation of supercomputers will be incorrect, as BMW has neglected some sources of error. “We need to look closely at the calculation,” El-Khadra said, stressing that it is too early to draw firm conclusions. “He’s pushing for methods to achieve that accuracy, and we need to understand whether he broke the ways of pushing the methods.”
That would be good news for fans of the new physics.
Interestingly, although the data-based method is an approach with an unidentified problem, it is difficult for theorists to understand what the untold problem might be for new physics. “The need for new physics would shift to another place,” he said Martin Hoferichter New University, Senior Member of Theory Initiative.
Researchers who have been studying possible problems with the data-based method over the past year say the data itself is unlikely to be available. It comes from ultra-accurate measurements of 35 hadronic processes. But “the data or the way it is interpreted could be misleading,” he said Andreas Crivellin Author at CERN and other organizations (with Hoferichter) a paper exploring that possibility.
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