“America is up and running again”: Biden told Congress, Americans Joe Biden News

U.S. President Joe Biden will say at a joint congressional session Wednesday night that “America is back on track” 99 days ago after inheriting a “nation in crisis.”
“I am in this one tonight, we are one day ashamed of the 100th day of my administration,” Biden will say, according to speeches released by the White House.
“100 days since I took the oath of office – I removed my hand from the family Bible and inherited a nation in crisis. The worst pandemic of a century. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War,” he said. audience Among 200 members of Congress and other U.S. Capitol officials, a live television talk at 8:00 p.m. (1:00 p.m. GMT).
“Now, just 100 days“I can tell the nation that America is up and running again.” Turning risk into opportunity. Opportunity crisis. Retreat into force “.
Looking forward to tonight’s address to recapture our progress and make our way forward. Come with me. pic.twitter.com/oV7cEir7ve
– President of Biden (@POTUS) April 28, 2021
The president will try to get a positive tone, compared to the last four years of President Donald Trump, who posed politics as a struggle and rarely gave a friendly tone.
“In the first 100 days we did together, we worked to restore people’s faith in our democracy,” Biden said.
“We are inserting the nation. We are creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. We are giving real results that people can see and feel in their lives. Opening the doors of opportunity. Ensuring fairness and justice. “
Biden, who is enjoying it acceptance political proposals on the majority of Americans and the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the pandemic, the economy, and the nation attract widespread American support, trying to sell these ideas to a widely divided Congress and Americans who do not support it. ideas.
“I know some of you at home are wondering if these jobs are for you. You’re leaving behind a rapidly changing economy and feeling forgotten. Let me speak directly,” Biden will say.
“The American Employment Plan is the neck plan for building America. It always recognizes something I’ve said: Wall Street didn’t build this country. The middle class built this country. And the unions built the middle class. ”
Biden has proposed $ 4 trillion in infrastructure and “family“Related programs are expected to be legislated by Congress in the coming months. It proposes to pay these programs to corporations and wealthy Americans through tax increases.
Some Liberal Democrats are pushing for Biden to propose even more. Republicans, on the other hand, are against his ideas, arguing that they are too expensive and too broad, and that they have proposed a remarkably small infrastructure plan.
The Republican presentation was addressed a few hours before the speech by a session with TV news presenters at the White House.
“Everyone is talking. Can I do something bilateral?” Well, I have to guess if it’s a holiday to deal with. We need the Republican Party. … We need another party, what you call it, united, not completely separated and afraid of each other, ”Biden said, according to a tweet from CNN’s Jake Tapper.
The president is at stake in his spending plans, which are well-known among his American voters, and could lead Republicans in Congress to cooperate with the White House.
Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell, the leader of Senate minorities, said before the speech that Biden had not fulfilled his promises to seek unity and tried to appease the Liberals.
“It seems that within a few months, the Biden administration has refused to sell a real union in favor of the catnip for its liberal base, backed by a hard cover made with fake advertisements,” McConnell said.
Racial justice and police reform
The Democratic president will also advocate directly with lawmakers to pass legislation stop police violence, senior administration officials told Reuters news agency on condition of anonymity.
Biden will emphasize that he will repeat police killings African American citizens and years of ingrained racism, while acknowledging the service of the vast majority of officers.
Biden will use his speech to express openness to the bilateral commitment to the police, speaking positively in Congress about negotiations on a reform bill.
Senator Tim Scott, the only black Republican in the chamber, will reject his party’s speech on Biden’s speech, which is expected to be among the topics of police reform. Scott has promised to deliver an “honest conversation” and a “positive and hopeful message” in remarks he made on national television.
“Our best future will not come from Washington’s schemes or socialist dreams. It will come from you – the people of America, ”Scott said in his expert speech released before delivery.
He will also acknowledge the success of former President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed vaccine, argue for last year’s Republican economic recovery to the COVID-19 relief, and argue for choosing a public school pandemic closure school.
Foreign policy
Biden will also discuss global cooperation climate change as well as its foreign policy, specifically the recently announced withdrawal of U.S. troops Afghanistan as well as China.
A senior congressional aide told Reuters news agency Biden was expected to “come out hard on China,” citing frequent calls by Republicans and Democrats to take a tougher line against Beijing.
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