Biden aims to vaccinate 70 percent by July 4 Coronavirus pandemic News
President Joe Biden has announced that at least 70 percent of U.S. adults will have a COVID-19 shot and 160 million adults will be vaccinated during the July 4 Independence Day holiday.
He also said on Tuesday that the United States will send 10 percent of its AstraZeneca vaccine dose to other nations, including Canada, Mexico and another talking nation, by July 4th.
The president has made the fight against coronavirus a top priority for his administration. previously announced July 4th as a goal that Americans can gather in small groups to return to normalcy in the midst of the pandemic.
Biden began his address by saying of his administration’s accomplishments: “More than 105 million Americans are fully vaccinated … 70 percent of seniors are now fully vaccinated. when they were ”.
The president noted that “many adults have not been vaccinated because shooting is too confusing or too difficult or too uncomfortable.” The administration created a website,, to help those who have difficulty getting vaccinated.
Biden also said there will soon be insertion hours in “most of our 40,000 pharmacy locations across the country” and that the government is encouraging “state and local partners” to do the same.
New COVID-19 cases are falling, although the vaccine administration is slowing down.
Biden’s new goal is to meet the growing challenges of the administration, but not unexpectedly, the challenges of inserting people with doubts about the vaccine, to some extent blood clots As a result of Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine.
Vaccines are less likely to cause blood clots than coronaviruses themselves. according to a study.
The new goal takes this reality into account.
U.S. officials are preparing to vaccinate teens after they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
More than half of the U.S. adult population has received a dose of the vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The first doses of the day are being administered in the U.S. at about 965,000 a day, which is half the rate three weeks ago, but it was needed to meet Biden’s goal almost twice as fast.
Contribute to other nations
Biden told White House reporters on Tuesday that he expects 10 percent of the U.S. AstraZeneca vaccine stockpile to be distributed to other nations this summer.
“By July 4, we will ship about 10% of what we have to other nations,” Biden said, including Canada and Mexico, and “other countries we’re talking about.” He said he has spoken “with a head of state today” about receiving vaccines, but is not ready to discuss which head of state he has talked to.
The US has contracted 300 million doses with AstraZeneca, although it is unclear how many doses will be in the hands of the US government by July 4th. The Associated Press reports that 60 million doses may be available for distribution in the coming months.
The Biden administration is also working to get $ 20 million worth of drugs used by Brazil to intubate COVID-19 patients, the White House said Tuesday.
The drugs will come from the U.S. government’s strategic repository and will be provided in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization, according to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.
“It’s not over yet, but we’re working with the Brazilian government to do that,” he said.
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