Calls for the evacuation of Afghan troops who helped Guamera into the US are growing new Conflicts
In the chaotic last hours of the Vietnam War, the U.S. supported the American mission and evacuated thousands of South Vietnamese who were in danger under the communist government.
U.S. and NATO forces have until Sept. 11 to do so leave Afghanistan, many are remembering a desperate and hasty exodus while urging the Biden administration to evacuate thousands The Afghans worked as interpreters or else he helped the U.S. military operations for the past two decades.
Despite unusual bilateral support in the U.S. Congress, the administration has not agreed to such conduct, and has refused to publicly accept anything that could undermine security in Afghanistan because it has since disbanded the war that began. 9/11 Attacks in New York and Washington (DC).
“We have a moral duty to protect our brave allies who put our lives on hold, and we have months to engage the administration and make sure there is a plan with few specific results,” Republican Representative Peter Meijer told Michigan at a U.S. House hearing last week.
Lawmakers call on administration to investigate temporary relocation of Afghan or NATO forces safe foreign location While processing US visas. Some have suggested that Guam, a U.S. territory that served a similar purpose after the Vietnam War. Kurdish refugees were also taken to the Pacific island in 1996 after the Gulf War.
The governor of Guam recently wrote to President Joe Biden saying he was willing to help if the territory was needed.
The Biden administration is currently accelerating a special visa program for Afghans who have assisted U.S. operations and is allocating resources to alleviate the delay.
“We’re processing and getting people out at a record pace,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday. “We are working with Congress right now to streamline some of the requirements that are slowing down this process and we are making extensive planning for a potential evacuation if necessary.”
Zalmay Khalilzad, Of the State Department special representative For the reconstruction of Afghanistan, he warned lawmakers in May that the “exit of all Afghan educators” would indicate “panic” and hurt the morale of the country’s security forces.
“The balance we need to maintain is delicate and complicated,” Khalilzad said.
Democratic Representative Jason Crow of Colorado recently introduced legislation that would nearly double the number of visas available this year, to 8,000, and ease the conditions for admission.
But he said congressional action will not be fast enough or sufficient.
Even if the legislation were passed immediately, it would be much further away than the 18,000 Afghans waiting to process the number of visas. This number does not include spouses and children, as it would bring a total of about 70,000 people.
And the average wait is more than three years. The process has also been complicated by the coronavirus pandemic, which led to the U.S. embassy in Afghanistan suspending visa talks in mid-June.
Crow, a former army guard serving in Afghanistan, said the government prefers to “evacuate our Afghan partners to a temporary evacuation site so that they can conduct strong visa processing safely without threatening the security of Taliban applicants.”
In a statement earlier this month, the Taliban promised not to attack those working for Western interests, but those working with NATO troops “should show remorse for past actions and will not oppose betrayal in the future.” Islam and the country, ”the group said in a statement.
He urged Afghans to stay in the country and warned them against their level of revenge killings.
However, many Afghans are desperate to get a visa, fearing Taliban violence, hard-fought armed leaders allied with the US, and seeing it as a last chance to get out of Afghanistan.
The American withdrawal began after the U.S. signed an agreement with the Taliban in February 2020 after 18-month talks that sidelined the Afghan government. The final withdrawal of troops ordered by Biden began on May 1 when the number of U.S. forces was between 2,500 and 3,500, and could be completed as soon as July 4, leaving all international troops, including 7,000 NATO forces, by September 11th.
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