For the CBC, the story of dogs is more important than apartheid in Israel in the US and Canada

For many Canadian media, the death of an old dog is more recent than the suffering and deaths of Palestinian prisoners.
That is, in particular, the embarrassing and inevitable denunciation of journalists who comply with the Canadian national network, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).
If the CBC and you question that, remember these facts.
On April 27, Human Rights Watch (HRW), a prudent Western press daring, published a 213-page report late on the fact that Israel has almost mercilessly and systematically persecuted Palestinians since its inception.
The main motive behind Israel’s relentless and systemic persecution of Palestinians is not to keep Israelis safe. Rather, Israel’s evil goal is to impose ethnic dominance in occupied Palestine and crush Palestinians in ghettos with sad and inhuman effectiveness.
By now, the well-known scenes of fanatical Israeli rebels — dressed and dressed — are vivid evidence of Israel’s malicious intent to evict Palestinians from attacking occupied homes in Jerusalem. That, too, is, of course, images of the smooth, distorted bodies of children and infants, all victims of Israel’s savage bombing of Gaza.
HRW concludes that Israel, for generations, has been guilty of apartheid because of international law, not an easy rhetorical allegation.
The HRW report provided a lot of news and caused a lot of comments on this page and in other major media outlets around the world. But not in Canada. And most importantly, not on one of the CBC’s publicly funded digital and multi-broadcast platforms.
Not a word was said or offered for a moment about a HRW report by a CBC reporter on April 27, although the network received a prior copy.
Now, on May 8, the Portuguese water dog of the Obama family, Bo, died of cancer. Bo ”was described by CBE as a“ White House celebrity ”attached to a long story about his death published online.
So in the CBC journalists ’miscalculation, passing the“ celebrity ”dog was“ news ”that required urgent Canadian attention, but the documented crimes against humanity aimed at Palestinians besieged by Israel – ruthless decades after decades – were not justified. mention the networks on April 27 and save for that buried, passing the reference, these days.
The CBC also did not invite a Palestinian-Canadian in its news or current affairs programs to carefully discuss the findings and recommendations that required HRW’s attention, as they would provide an enlightening framework for Canadian viewers to understand the apparent evidence of Israel’s attacks. .
In addition to being a deplorable and indelible stain on an already declining popularity, the CBC’s embargo on the entire HRW report organization reveals the public broadcaster’s special mandate, supposedly sacred, to offer Canadians programming that “informs, enlightens and … reflects”.[s] Canada and its regions for national and regional audiences ”.
Why wasn’t the HRW report covered?
In an attempt to answer that question, I approached 17 hosts of CBC’s most popular news and current affairs programs via email with a variety of inquiries to individually “inform, enlighten,” and collectively allow Canadians, including skilled and enthusiastic Palestinians. -Canadians to “publicly reflect” on the HRW report from April 27.
None of the journalists and TV and radio characters who ask questions have answered. None. Instead, I was referred to a CBC PR officer.
Their sad hypocrisy is revealed, dishonorable.
These CBC journalists, who praise the virtues of the fourth legacy and the working announcer as an indispensable means to demand the consideration of powerful people and public and private organizations, are silenced as frightening politicians when a vicious member of the brotherhood tries. ask for accounts.
Like celebrities, these star journalists delay the PR “people” to speak out and protect themselves in the face of tough questions.
In a few emails, CBC spokesman Chuck Thompson acknowledged that the CBC “has not dealt with a story since the April 27 Human Rights Watch report.”
Pressing later, he said, “No one within CBC News had an edict (there would never be a story) to cover this report. Every day during the service, our program teams make independent and editorial decisions about what to do in their respective sessions.”
Translation: Yes, it is true that all of these CBC journalists working on all of these news and current affairs programs decided not to cover the HRW report on the same day and only made all of these editorial decisions. But it was by no means an act of collusion. It was just a miraculous event.
That’s as embarrassing as it is absurd, and it can’t be said for the undeniable reasons that CBC short-sighted journalists and their trusted excuses must finally understand.
The CBC is owned by Palestinian Canadians. They can no longer be taken as invisible, but as “other” in Canada’s public airwaves.
Thus, a major human rights group has methodically humiliated, deported, imprisoned, tortured, murdered and robbed the homes of their ancestors as a result of Israeli apartheid, so their voices must be clearly heard on the CBC.
Moreover, the CBC cannot practice a transparent double standard in terms of coverage of international human rights violators.
Examine some of the incriminating evidence.
On January 14, 2020, the CBC released a message story online An HRW report links China’s human rights outrage.
This is the main paragraph of the story: “In an annual report, Human Rights Watch published a harsh review of the Chinese government and called on the international community to” oppose the savagest and most widespread oppression that China has seen in decades. “
Three years earlier, the CBC had produced a 22 minute documentary which put Russia in its cross-journalism and explained to the audience in a headline: How Canada began to punish human rights abusers in Russia.
When HRW determines that it is guilty of wholesale and illegal harassment and the practice of apartheid against Palestinian Palestinians, the CBC treats this crime as taboo and has not issued calls in Canada and abroad for Israel to be punished for its crimes.
By banning Palestinian writers, academics and historians from the forum to report, clarify and reflect on the horrific HRW report, the CBC has deliberately prevented Canadians from inspecting the historical context to make sense of the latest eruption of state-sanctioned violence throughout occupied Palestine.
Illegal and waiting Palestinians occupied from Jerusalem from occupied houses in Jerusalem, unilateral repression against the right of Palestinian assembly, bloody attacks and sacrilege against Palestinian worshipers in one of the holiest sites of Islam, indiscriminate killings of children, women and men. Gaza is not the last “spasm” of the Israeli-Palestinian “conflict”.
These are, as HRW makes clear, the actions of an occupying army whose intent is to attack, strike and bombard Palestinians from their land and existence.
This “progressive” apostle of the order based on human rights and rules, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, also prefers to say and do nothing about Israel’s crimes. Lately, he has been busy giving frictionless conversations with the effervescent prime minister who plays sad and self-proclaimed online lights playing a nice T-ball game.
Predictably, Trudeau has never been challenged by Israel’s lack of quality and qualified support, as HRW puts it briefly and concisely, a “reality on the ground”.
When forced to deal with the “reality on earth,” the telegenic boy against Canadian hypocrisy sticks and spills in the face of the constant humiliation, violence and terror that Israel has endured in the Palestinians occupied Palestine – yesterday, today and tomorrow. A few days ago, when the Palestinian army intended to throw itself into deference and dependence, Trudeau stated in a windy puppet that “Canada recognizes the right to ensure Israel’s security.”
Trudeau’s “policy” toward occupied Palestine – as it stands – is that the Palestinians take, take, take, take, take, take, take, take while Israel wants to humiliate, traumatize, expel, steal, imprison, torture, mutilate, shoot , bombed, invaded and killed.
Canadian diplomats – who have removed all polite embroidery that make Trudeau’s sharp and backward offers in the Middle East – have been “reviewing” HRW’s report for two weeks.
Global Affairs Canada A Canadian Foreign Ministry official “respectfully rejected” requests for an interview to discuss the brutality of Israeli apartheid and the dire and notorious costs of the uprising in occupied Palestine.
As in the gallery of unconventional silences of CBC journalists, it seems that diplomats in this nation have other more urgent issues in mind.
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the attitude of the Al Jazeera editorial.
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