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How do people catch basketball?


I’m not sure If you understand how much physics baseball sees, but it’s a lot. We think it is very popular because we have very basic principles at work. In the introductory class you can model the movement of a simple fly ball, but you can make it much more complicated (and fun). So with that in mind, let’s look at this question: How the hell does a baseball player even catch a fly ball?

When an egg striker hits a ball, it can pass through the air for three to six seconds before falling outside. This gives the outside player only one moment to calculate his landing location. Do you think they take out a textbook and look for equations for the motion of the shooters? By no means. But the player yes using physics. What is happening here.

Catching a Ball The Path to Physics Textbooks

First, let physics find the landing location of a ball. After that, I will fix this problem the way a player can in a real game.

But let’s make two hypotheses about this ball. First of all, there will be no resistance to air. (It will be easier to calculate without resistance. Also, in many cases with low ball speeds, this approach is quite legitimate.) Second, I will do this two-dimensional (instead of 3D). The ball is thrown in a straight line towards the outside player. That way, I don’t have to worry about the player moving back and forth to catch the ball, back and forth.

This problem has a bunch of variables, so I’ll start with a diagram that shows all of these quantities. I think the ball will be created as a way to travel along the x axis.

Illustration: Rhett Allain

There are so many things here, so describe each variable.

  • v0 hit is the initial speed of baseball.
  • θ is the shot angle of the ball.
  • xor is the starting position of the player (along the x axis).
  • R is the last x position of the baseball when it returns to the ground.
  • Finally, there is the vector r. It is a vector from the location of the player to the location of the ball (in the air). Angle angleb is the angle of this vector to the ground.


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