How mega cities can lead the fight against climate change

By 2035, the world will have 14 more megacities, according to the United Nations. Most of the news will be developed in Africa and Asia. Concentrating wealth and technology in metropolitan areas can be a way for cities everywhere to tackle climate change.
Population data for 2020 and 2035 were collected from the United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division (2019). World Urbanization Expectations: 2018 Review.
The carbon footprint per inhabitant originated from Moran, D., Kanemoto K; Carbon footprints from 13,000 cities in Jiborn, M., Wood, R., Többen, J. and Seto, KC (2018). Environmental Research Letters DOI: 10.1088 / 1748-9326 / aac72a.
We found the global carbon footprint of each city by multiplying the per capita carbon footprint data of Moran et al. According to population data provided by the United Nations.
When interpreting the results, consider the limitations of these studies and methods; the numbers are not entirely accurate, but they allow us to identify and analyze trends.
Photo credits: Getty (NYC, High Line, Shenzhen); Alamy (Kinshasa); Shutterstock, Osaka
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