In this confrontation with apartheid Israel, the Palestinians won Gaza
After the recent genocidal attack on apartheid Israel, some serious questions have been raised, once again, about the usefulness of the resistance and whether the outcome of the war can be seen as a victory for the Palestinian people. These same questions arose in 2009, 2012 and 2014, when Israel launched massive attacks on Gaza, as well as in the 2018 Nonviolent Great Return March, when Palestinians marched towards the fence around Zinta and were shot and killed by Israelis. snipers.
Some “liberals” resorted to the usual proclamations, accusing them of “both sides of the conflict,” that is, the colonizer and the colonized, and concluded that the Palestinians should stop firing rockets from Gaza.
Once again, we were challenged by those “neutral” voices about the definition of resistance. For ideological reasons they see no resistance, in general, as not only the ability to fight a more militarily oppressive oppressor, but also the ability to creatively confront the colonization of one’s land. They do not understand the power of peoples, in our case, “sumud” (firmness), nor do they see it as existing.
In other words, they support the Israeli narrative, where the “two sides of the conflict” are on equal military power and moral level. They reject the reality that supports the colonialist and Western project of colonialism and apartheid that confronts the Palestinian country. Moreover, they set aside all our moral “weapons”: we are territorial, we have international law to protect our claims, we have a high level of morale, and we are increasingly supported by international civil society and others.
Edward Said once said that the intellectual is “someone who cannot be easily chosen by governments or corporations and his reason is to replace all those people and people who are under the usual carpet or forgotten.”
The “liberal” voices that have been condemning the “violence” in Palestine in the recent confrontation with apartheid Israel are intellectuals. They refuse to see that the Palestinians are capable of being agents of change in their present and future. Ideologically they cannot accept the Palestinian agency because it refuses to respect the will of the people, expressed in popular support for the resistance in its various forms – in the places occupied by Gaza, the West Bank and Israel when it was founded in 1948.
Even in recent extraordinary events, the Palestinians cannot see Israel’s victory against apartheid. They have sided with the Israeli fascist class and the authorities who believe they have “won” because they have killed many “terrorists”: including 253 Palestinians, 66 children, 39 women and 17 elderly people.
However, one of the so-called “targets” of the Israeli war in Gaza has not been achieved – ending the rocket fire from Gaza and destroying the tunnels used by resistance fighters and rejecting any form of unity between Jerusalem and Gaza. . The rockets are still running and the resistance movement has proved strong enough to respond to the call for action by Jerusalemites in Sheikh Jarrah who are immediately cleansing Israel ethnically.
As one frustrated Israeli pilot who bombed Gaza said in an interview with Israeli channel 12: “I did missions to carry out airstrikes, feeling that destroying towers is a way to spark frustration with what is happening to us. And seeing the success of the Gaza team kicking us … We didn’t we did not break the rocket and damaged the management of these groups, so we destroyed the towers. “
But more importantly, Gaza 2021 has carefully constructed and zealously defended the myths that Israel has been promoting for decades: that it has the “most moral” army in the world; that its Iron Dome is invincible; and that the Palestinians are just “Arabs” who have no common identity and would stop claiming the land when the older generations die.
It is obvious that the “neutral voices” that accuse “both sides” are subject to the “witchcraft” of these myths and that is why they see the Palestinian resistance as “unjustified violence” and “terrorism”. But the Brazilian philosopher Paulo Freire wrote his book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed:
“With the establishment of the oppressive relationship, violence has already begun. Violence of the oppressed has never begun in history. How could they be the triggers if they themselves are the result of violence? … It would not be oppressed if there had not been a state of violence beforehand to establish their dependence. It starts with those who oppress violence, those who exploit it and those who do not recognize others as people, not the oppressed, the exploited and the unrecognized. ”
It is clear that with the exception of Western liberals and the Israeli elites who support them, Palestinians have emerged from protests throughout historic Palestine and victorious attacks on Gaza.
These events put an end to the famous “century agreement” that once again the Palestinians would not renounce the Jerusalem proclamation, put another nail in the coffin of the solution of the two fictional states and bring liberation and rights. Israeli third-level Palestinian citizens and five million refugees have returned to the top spot on the international community’s agenda. They have also brought to light a new Palestinian consciousness that challenges the embodied hegemony of the 1993 Oslo Accords.
The new consciousness of Palestinian summons and resistance clearly characterizes apartheid Israel’s denial of the conditions imposed on the Palestinian people, the three inhabitants of Gaza and the West Bank, the Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territories in 1948, and refugees living in camps and diaspora. What is even more important is to reject the crumbs offered to a select Palestinian minority as compensation for good behavior.
We have been told to accept the occupation of Israel in its most ugly way – apartheid wall, settlements, controls, segregated roads, color-coded license plates, forced evictions and demolition of houses, “security coordination”, arrests, torture and imprisonment – or the medieval blockade and death period and to bombard us with oblivion.
But this spring the response from Gaza, Jerusalem, Lydda, Haifa and the rest of historic Palestine was very clear: the Palestinian people will not be limited to those living in the occupied territories of 1967. We are seeing a paradigm shift from separatism to a two-state solution – for the establishment of a Palestinian Bantu and for the entire Palestinian Union that aims to deny millions of countries the right to own their land.
True, the victory of the Palestinians was very costly, but it was decisive. The Palestinian people prevailed over the apartheid regime to the teeth and its American iron domola, crossing their “Head Medal”. 2021 After Gaza Palestine will not be like Palestine. Palestinians have begun to decolonize themselves in the “peace process” and far from a solution to the racism of the two states and with their sumptuousness, they have brought the Palestinian Zionist regime to its knees.
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the attitude of the Al Jazeera editorial.
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