Maybe Future Generations will be fine
Cass R. Sunstein is one of the leading scholars of American law; he is also a fan of science fiction authors such as Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke. Sunstein believes that science fiction can be a useful tool for incorporating people bias of the status quo“Our tendency to deal with the new and the unknown.”
“If you love science fiction, you find it funny, and maybe a little chill comes down your spine when you think of things you didn’t dream of until 1990 or 2005, and those things make you excited, maybe even scary,” says Sunstein 468. section Guide to the Geek Galaxy podcast.
Sunstein’s new book Avoiding disaster determines the approach for assessing unforeseen threats such as asteroids, AI, climate change and pandemics. Among the more science fiction ideas in the book, people might not have to worry so much about the well-being of future generations, an idea that Sunstein attributes to the Nobel Prize-winning economist. Thomas Schelling.
According to Sunstein, “a lot of people are being asked to do things to protect themselves from what will affect future generations.” “And Schelling says, be careful, because future generations will be much richer and better than us — if history is a guide — and if we sacrifice our resources to help them, we will redistribute the rich from our poor, and where is the justice in that?”
In fact, investing too much time and energy in caring for future generations can be really detrimental if these measures end up stifling economic growth. “When we are as good as we are now, previous generations made us healthier, richer, and in many ways improved things instead of thinking about things. Development to protect the future,” says Sunstein. “So you can add to Schelling’s point that the future – if the past is a prologue and people are better than us – you can add that the future depends on doing a lot of innovative and creative things. Without worrying so much about them.”
However, realizing that future generations will be wiser and richer than us should not be given a white card to perform actions that will be almost impossible to reverse even a wiser and richer civilization. “We shouldn’t take Schelling’s arguments to suggest that we should devalue endangered species or clean areas,” Sunstein says. “The idea of saving precious things for future generations is a good idea. And if they’re richer, but they don’t have wolves, coyotes and bears, they’re significantly poorer to that extent, even if they have a lot of money.”
Listen to the full 468 interview with Cass R. Sunstein Guide to the Geek Galaxy (above). And see some notable points in the discussion below.
Cass R. Sunstein on Wake up:
“The show is about someone who loses a wife or son after a car accident. You can’t tell. The wife is alive and the son is half dead and the son is alive and the wife is dead. He lives two different realities and can’t guess which one is real, and the audience too. No. The parallels and discontinuities between the two realities are incredibly fascinating… I find the idea of parallel worlds fascinating I like the writer a lot Robert Charles Wilson, because he does great things with it. That’s my alley. You can have a bad show on that subject, though [Awake] is good off the list “.
Cass R. Sunstein on The world according to Star Wars:
“With me Star Wars the tour of the book, I had no hope that any other Star Wars fans would show up — if I was lucky — but what I found was that the people on the tour were brothers and sisters to me, a sense of immediate confidence and genuine desire to be real instead of spectators. So they would talk about something that had happened in their lives, like a child who got very sick, and as soon as the child could get out of the hospital, the father took the baby Star Wars. … For a large part of my life, our connections to each other are an inch deep, and that’s better than nothing, but on my Star Wars tour, I felt like we were all, somehow, family. ”
Cass R. Sunstein on Barack Obama:
“He’s tall and thin, like The most famous vulcan, and his ears are not tiny, like the most famous Vulcan. He also has a very logical mind — he is capable of being truly disciplined with pressure. I saw it under a lot of pressure, and I never saw it [act out] as Captain Kirk. But the difference is that he has a very sensitive heart, and although he doesn’t always show it, he’s there. … I was hit by a car in 2017, and when I woke up in the hospital, he was one of the first to call me. While he’s a friend, you know, he has a lot of friends and when a car hit me he called me, almost woke me up and immediately, it was very moving. ”
About the History of Cass R. Sunstein:
“I’m particularly interested in time travel, alternative histories, parallel universes, so I’ve been thinking about writing about it for a while. … I’ve written an essay on counterfactual history, which is in a book I recently published. This is not normal, and finally I say that historians work in a company like science fiction writers. Some historians hate that, but I say that’s the way it is, to find out what really caused it, when counterfactual worlds are being built. He’s more disciplined and uncreative than the best science fiction writers, but he’s amazing, and he’s the same thing. ”
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