Miz credits past defeats as the second reign of the WWE Championship begins

The WWE Elimination Chamber ended with a shocking note last Sunday as The Miz won Drew McIntyre’s WWE Championship with his Money in the Bank contract. It was an unexpected detour to WrestleMania, and Miz sparked as much controversy as the first time he won a world title more than a decade ago.
The Miz, the real name of Michael Mizanin, began acting in MTV’s “The Real World” in 2001. In reality, Mizanin introduced the character The Miz, a top-notch professional cliché. alter-ego of the fighter. Underneath the gimmick he made for television was his love for the pro fight that entered the WWE world. He first participated in the 2004 season of “Tough Enough” as a contestant, then made his way into the development system in 2006 before finally making his WWE TV debut. In 2010, Mizanin won his first world title, which was rejected by fans who did not buy him as a “real fighter”.
This, among other failures and successes in the business, has prepared him for the company’s top championship, Mizanain told CBS Sports.
“It feels like the perfect storm that ended with me in the WWE Championship,” Mizanin said. “You can be a confident guy to get the most prized WWE title at any time and be the face of the company. That just means the world to us. That’s why we fight. That’s why we’re here this week. It’s true, we’re here to entertain our audience, but we have goals. My goal is always It was a return to the WWE Championship.I didn’t want to be the only success.I wanted the title again, and I wanted to show what I can do as a WWE Champion.Now, I sit here like that person.
“Now, I have confidence. I had confidence 10 years ago, but I learned the knowledge through my failures – I always say that my failures taught me more than all successes. Through all my failures and successes, ‘Learn and absorb what I need to get back to where I am today I am now happy, confident, ready and well-prepared.I want to make sure I know everyone every time Raw airs out., it’s a must-see show and things are happening and sometimes you don’t know what’s going on, but what you want to see it happen, which makes it a great show. “
Mizanin has had a resounding appearance in his first race as a champion last year. In both tournament victories, Mizanin successfully won the Money in the Bank contract after a hard-fought match against an injured champion. Also in 2020 the return of former partner John Morrison and a real-life friend led to the revival of a successful group in the late 2000s.
Morrison has been on Mizanin’s side with the Money in the Bank suitcase and is now the champion, as the pair celebrate their tournament to kick off the post-knockout edition of Raw on Monday night.
“John brings out the best in me,” Mizanin said. “It motivates me and makes me think outside the box. His brain works compared to what I’ve never met. He’s just a great friend. He’s a brother I’ve never had. I love being next to him in the ring and being able to share this with him.”
The first race of the Mizanin champion was not well received by critics or fans. But through some adaptations to his character he has managed to maintain a position of importance, and has found himself as an interpreter within the ring and into the microphone.
This has led to a re-evaluation of Mizanin’s place in the WWE and his acceptance as a high-profile performer. Of course, criticism is constant in any type of high-end entertainment. Mizanin is fine with criticism, he said, because it’s part of what drives his love of work.
“Obviously, you weren’t watching my Twitter feed,” Mizanin said. “When I won, everything wasn’t positive, I’ll tell you. I felt 10 years ago when I first won. I don’t deserve it. I suck. I’m the worst person ever. How can they do it? They’re ruining Monday Night Raw. I take that and listen to it. , if people are talking about … who they were and the Internet has exploded the most talked about in the Elimination Chamber. Now no one knows what the path to WrestleMania is. That’s the greatness of WWE. You never know what will happen. People can assume and think may, but that’s what I love about this company and that’s my reason.I’ve been able to do it for so long.It’s because I love my job.
“I love being a WWE superstar. I love the interaction and connection of the fans we have. Whether positive or negative, it’s their prerogative to do what they want to do. I love it and I love everything about it. That’s what goes on and wakes me up in the morning. WWE business I like it and I like it to be an entertaining sport.I love to prove that we are no longer “rasslers” – there are the biggest entertainers – with any show I’m proving, be it Raw or Miz & Mrs., by the way the day after WrestleMania (April 12, “The US Network) with the new episode coming back. It’s always awesome to see the reaction to that too, presumably because I’m a bad guy on Raw, but then you see Miz & Mrs. and I can’t help but like me.”
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