Pfizer says the COVID-19 vaccine works for children ages 12-15

Pfizer coronavirus the vaccine works very well for children between the ages of 12 and 15 in a giant pharmacy reported on Wednesday.
In a late-stage study of more than 2,200 U.S. teens, not a single person who was vaccinated was infected with COVID-19, Pfizer reported in a press release. The results show that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine can be even more effective among 12- to 15-year-olds than in adults.
Pfizer has not yet released trial data. The company plans to send the results to the FDA in the coming weeks, said CEO Albert Bourla, “in hopes of starting to incorporate that age group before the start of next school year.”
If it obtains an emergency permit, the Pfizer vaccine will be the first to be given to children under 16 in the United States. Public health experts sinetsi the inclusion of children will be key to achieving “herd immunity” – when so many people have immunity to COVID-19 the virus is no longer able to spread effectively. President Joe Biden has called for the immunization of high school students for the fall of U.S. and elementary school students in early 2022 if test results like the one announced by Pfizer show that vaccines are safe and effective among them.
Pfizer said the trial showed that the vaccine was safe for 12- to 15-year-olds, and that the side effects were “generally consistent with those seen in 16- to 25-year-old participants.”
Pfizer vaccine it was first allowed to be used for emergencies in December for those over the age of 16, and since then more than 75 million doses have been given to Americans. A clinical trial last fall it was 95% effective in reducing adult COVID-19 infections; a recent study showed similar results of 90% efficiency “the real world“since it was allowed.
In the ad, Pfizer also said that it has started to include children aged 5 to 11 in a related global trial and will start giving it to a group of children aged 2 to 5 next week.
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