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How to prepare for a disaster, emotionally and mentally


Experts preparing for emergencies are now finally linking their work to mental health. This can be as easy as cultivating empathy. “Sometimes it’s hard for scientists to be empathetic, but you can’t be a good communicator if you don’t know your audience’s feelings and values,” says Jessica Wieder, director of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Radiation Information and Dissemination Center. . Wieder Covid was a member of a team that published 12,000 news and social media tests and vaccines to better understand how people internalized and reacted to emergency advice. Their research aims to provide people with information on how to deal with future disasters, especially invisible threats (such as viruses or radiation) or chronic incidents (prolonged droughts or hurricanes caused by aggravation). climate crisis).

The truth is, there is no balm, amulet, or special advice that protects us from the dark feelings that swell inside when disaster strikes. But ease, clarity, and courage can be found to move forward. Here are some expert suggestions to help you deal with emotional turmoil:

There is no “right” way to react or recover

Disasters bring normalcy below us, and each person has a unique way of finding their way through the rubble. It is impossible to provide an emotional response to a particular traumatic event all reactions are manifestations of fear. According to Silver’s research, some people developed weak strains even when they were not directly affected by the disaster. Thus, Wieder emphasizes the importance of valuing emotions — friends and family, as well as ours — even if we don’t think they match the situation. In general, people are horrible when it comes to assessing risk, and talking to others can lead to arguments when perceptions of a situation do not match. Recognizing that all emotions are normal improves communication and decision making, and creates commonalities. (Scientists found a sense of understanding activates neural responses associated with social reward.) Maria Cohut, a Medical News Today assistant who has written about cultivating resilience, recommends encrypting disaster recovery transformation rather than “bouncing back,” this encourages them to take on new opportunities, rather than worrying about getting a specific referral for healing.

They are disasters The processSo expect updates

Emergencies do not have a tidy end; information changes as situations evolve over time. Most people are not comfortable in the situation, and may question information that does not provide closure. According to Madeline Beal, EPA’s chief risk communicator, the change in orientation indicates that experts can apply what they have learned as quickly as possible. “Disasters are a process. People don’t like the idea of ​​changing science, but it should be expected, “he said. remembering that they can help manage anxiety.

Get to know your trusted voice

In emergencies, we naturally turn to experts for guidance. Although central authorities — FEMA or the U.S. CDC, for example — have access to reliable resources for large-scale emergencies, they are not necessarily the most effective messengers. “The reality is that people decide if it’s credible for them,” explains Kristyn Karl, a professor of political psychology at the Stevens Institute of Technology who specializes in risk communication. “For some the neighbor is more trustworthy than the government. As the catastrophes become politicized, it will become more and more difficult to find a shared messenger that everyone will listen to. “

Disaster organizers working with state and local authorities are now working more closely with community organizers and messengers like already trusted local faith leaders. Most people are not consciously aware of who the trusted voices are and why they trust them (rather than deliberately making an intuitive decision), so it is helpful to list them, know where they receive the information, and track inconsistencies or disagreements in their messaging.

Help others

It is easy for disasters to lead to antisocial behaviors and self-service that lead to greater social chaos and destruction. However research has shown consistency that people show an attitude of generosity and social behavior after and immediately after the disaster. Helping in a disaster can go up sense of control and increased happiness. In addition to joining the crowd of spontaneous volunteers, consider how you can help address social inequalities in emergencies. The populations are black, Latino, and brown less receiving disaster relief and offering ways to show the rise of informal mutual support networks and local translation efforts.

Plan Forward

Covid-19 revived interest in disaster preparedness. According to a FEMA 2021 home survey, 48% of Americans he said they have made emergency plans, a little more than the previous year. However, for many people the task can be daunting. “Misfortunes fall into the same category as funerals and living wills, it’s not fun to think about,” admits Karl. Wieder proposes to start with simpler logistics, such as defining an emergency meeting place from home; researching how to care for pets (many people risk their lives to find pets or refuse to leave them behind); buying a hand crank radio in case of blackouts; and identifying a common point of contact to provide updates on other relatives and friends if they cannot connect directly to each other. Whatever the situation, planning gives you a sense of readiness. We have a guide emergency preparedness equipment here.

Today, I’m more composed than I was a year ago, but I continue to turn the tide of events as our hell walks go by: the new Covid variant or the next sweep of the California fires. it was already expected to break last year’s record. Fear and grief remain with me, but I have also found softness and firmness within these difficult feelings. I move forward, in tune with my body and mind, a little more ready to take on everything that is to come. I hope we all do.

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