Repeating ‘Mass Effect’ is good for my mental health
In the past year, if mental health he took the blow. Meza Covid-19 deaths, depression, isolation, economic struggles, anxiety about the human condition – it has been devastating. Among all this, people have found many ways to deal with it, from being binge watching Platoon. Last week, mine was released Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.
Clearly, I would be excited with this trilogy when it was released, but after the year I’ve been through it, I feel like I need a direct connection between my body and the PlayStation 5 so I can download the game. directly in my brain. For me, going back to the world Mass Effect it’s not just about disconnecting from the world; it’s about againconnecting with old friends. Parasocial relationships are real, and right now my favorites are with Garrus, Tali, Liara, and Wrex.
Usually, this type of combination is not my bag. In general, I’m not someone who repeats games. I can count the number of games guided by the stories I’ve repeated on one hand, and they’re basically a few Final Fantasy titles. Even though I want to play a game again before I get a sequel out (I plan to do that) Horizon Zero Dawn), I often don’t walk around with that. But Mass Effect it’s appealing to me that there’s no new game (or has been for a long time), and I’m sure it’s related to last year’s difficulty. Things are rough; I tend to be nostalgic for comfort. This begs the question: is this psychologically beneficial? Can’t Mass Effect does it have a big impact on my mental health?
In short, yes. According to Tim Wulf, who studies the effects of video games at Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich nostalgia has three key purposes: First, he says, “self-orientation.” Basically, this means that it helps people “feel closer to their true self,” specifically, in this case, their previous pandemics. Staying in touch with who they were helps people keep in touch might be, leaving you feeling optimistic about the future. The second benefit of nostalgia is that it helps people see more meaning in their lives, and the latter is social; “It reminds people of the meaningful relationships they have and can thus deal with feelings of loneliness and social exclusion.”
Although Wulf notes that there is still no research on media nostalgia during the Covid-19 era, it investigates how people are using entertainment to deal with life in a pandemic. A final studyFor example, “the media is closely linked to well-being.” In other words: it’s a coping mechanism that people play a lot today. Recently, Wulf has been studying the relationship between nostalgic media use and some of the stress that has dominated the pandemic. The findings so far suggest that “people may turn to nostalgia to live in a relationship that they (in a blockade) could not live otherwise.”
That brings us back Mass Effect. This title has never been playable for me. Instead, it’s about their attachment to the characters, from Jennifer Halle’s FemShep to all the other contributors who deserve the game. I don’t play so much to win. (In this case, really yes about the friends I made along the way.) When I feel more isolated than ever, visiting this world is the retroactive memory I need.
That won’t be the case for everyone, though. That’s fine. Some people are using the media and video games to gain new experiences because the pandemic has denied them the ability to do so in real life. When everything feels the same every day, why would you want to live known in your entertainment as well? Well, because everyone’s brain is different. Some find comfort in new things; others, like me, are well known. Both are fine. There is no absolute. The most important thing is not to feel guilty about how it works in dealing with it. Bada i want to play the same video game every day for months, you can and should. Do what feels right; try not to stress the effects.
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