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Electronic cigarettes could be a new nicotine patch


If you are trying To stop smoking, instead of a stick of nicotine gum or a sticky square to slap on the upper arm, your doctor may soon give you an electronic cigarette. England could be the first country in the world to accept e-cigarettes, after all announcement on October 29th The UK Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Agency, the UK Medicines Regulatory Agency, is now inviting manufacturers to approve products.

If an electronic cigarette device exceeds the steps required to obtain a license, doctors may prescribe it to patients who wish to leave the prescription. Electronic cigarettes are thought to counteract the usual smoking cessation aids for a number of reasons: they are more effective in relieving smoking cessation symptoms (mood swings, intense smoking, poor concentration), users can adjust the device to receive specific doses of nicotine, and give smokers the feeling of smoking. also, they can hold and drag something between their fingers, all without the deadly smoke and bitterness that cigarettes give off. And prescribing an e-cigarette to a licensed medical practitioner can address barriers to smoking cessation, such as cost or safety concerns. “Opening the doors to a licensed e-cigarette licensed in the NHS has the potential to address serious inequalities in smoking rates across the country, where people live and where they come from no matter where they come from,” said Sajid Javid, UK health and safety officer. secretary of social care, in the news.

Smoking is still prevalent in the UK and the US as the leading preventable cause of death. Every year, More than 8 million People around the world die prematurely as a result of tobacco, which means we lose the equivalent of the Swiss population every year because of preventable deaths. “There has been a global pandemic for more than half a century that is killing many more people than Covid. No one is treating it as an emergency anymore,” said Vaughan Rees, director of Harvard University’s Center for Global Tobacco Control. that is, the number of smokers now at an all-time high, 1.1 billion. Without help to stop, only 4 percent of smokers definitely leave.

But if the recipe proves to be commercially viable for the manufacture and sale of an electronic cigarette product designed to stop smoking, it shouldn’t happen yet, they will only move forward. Manufacturers have been sending devices to the MHRA for years, but they haven’t done so, “probably because they would strive to provide enough evidence of effectiveness,” says Martin McKee, a European public health professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical. Medicine.

Although the problem is controversial, research suggests that e-cigarettes are an effective tool for quitting smoking. A random rehearsal The New England Journal of Medicine he found the e-cigarette help people get out, and were more effective than conventional smoking cessation aids, such as patches and chewing gum. The Cochrane’s latest review concluded that nicotine cigarettes probably help people quit smoking for at least six months, and probably work better than nicotine replacement therapies and nicotine-free electronic cigarettes.


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