The Department of Defense Calls Microwave Weapons a New Threat

After decades in office, microwave weapons have come to be seen as a serious military threat – the U.S. Department of Defense has called for U.S. soldiers to wear detectors, a “growing threat on the battlefield.”
Weapons, some of which cause burning sensations, are already thought to be used on U.S. soil. In June a federal police officer asked for the size of a truck microwave heat ray Black Lives Matter to disperse protests. The Trump administration thought of using the same device against asylum seekers 2018.
Now, the Department of Defense wants U.S. soldiers equipped with microwave weapon detectors. That was set for December 9th contract application “Specifying high-frequency microwaves from the Department of Defense’s Defense Health Program as a” low-cost, low-weight, and small-sized portable radio frequency (RF) weapon exposure detector. “
It is also the Department of Defense’s interest in detecting microwave weapons Israel, China and Russia versions of a microwave oven are being invented “Active Denial System”The United States was a pioneer two decades ago. The US continues to develop technology: an Air Force Research Laboratory “anti-swarm electromagnetic weapon“It’s called THOR, frying drones in the middle of the plane. Army microwave oven prototype mounted on the standard gun It was introduced in 2018. The need to disable drones became real autumn war the former won between Azerbaijan and Armenia drone fleet decimating the defenses of the latter.
Then, in December, a new report suggested that these weapons could cause neurological damage. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine criticized report the weapon suggested that at least 15 diplomatic workers and their families in Cuba are the most “credible” explanation for the confusion they have witnessed. In 2016 and 2017.
“. Without a known model [radiofrequency] to guide the diagnosis of injury, it will be difficult to distinguish [microwave] injuries from other common sources of disease and injuries such as heat stroke, “says the defense agency’s microwave weapon detectors program request, which closes in two weeks. “This ambiguous symptom is exacerbated by the transient nature of RF energy. Without a sensor, there is no evidence of RF attack. “
The Department of Defense declined to comment on the detector contract. However, experts contacted BuzzFeed News suggested that the emerging military interest in microwave weapons could stem from the emergence of drone-zapping weapons and the NASEM report. They added technology, XXI. It is notable as a new concern for the battlefield of the century.
“I assume that even if the U.S. has never deployed these weapons in a theater of war, other actors will fear that,” Andrew Wood, an Australian researcher for the Center for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research, said in an email. They can be easily hidden behind fabric screens, he added, so the U.S. military, which experiences burning sensations, for example, would need a detector to find out if someone else was pointing a microwave gun at them.
The demand for a portable sensor that can be fitted in a shotgun bag and a vest can also be expressed by military test personnel about concerns about unexpected exposure to microwaves. BuzzFeed News by email.
Despite the sensation that can burn when they are under the radius of a “heat-shaped” weapon, Eeftens warns that it will be difficult to determine whether a concentrated microwave field is to blame. “You’re going to come out unmarked, so it’s hard to determine someone who is really and how objectively they have suffered,” he said.
There are detectors for other types of microwaves other than the microwaves described in the Department of Defense’s contract application, Paul Elliot, of Acton, Massachusetts Sciences Inc., told BuzzFeed News. They are usually aimed at people who work with electronics.
“The things we sell are the size of bricks, or at least half the brick,” he said. “You shouldn’t wear it.”
Although microwaves that cause high temperatures, like in ovens, can cook food and cause burns, whether it is neurological or not health effects it can arise as a result of those who are not more powerful he had no evidence for a long time has been dependent on the type Conspiracy theories seen today about 5G mobile phones.
U.S. Air Force experiments set limits human microwave exposures In the analysis of electromagnetic pulses observed from nuclear explosions in the 1970s. Many of these standards have since been accepted, but a 2018 NATO Technical Report he called these limitations scientifically unjustified, saying that experiments showing injuries did not protect him. Report of French researchers in the first year that low-power pulsed microwaves were associated with rat cancer and behavior change he raised the question of health againespecially with systems like THOR now intended for rural use against drones.
“I don’t expect major safety issues for people on the beams, but on the other hand, the amount of research on the bioaccuracies of these pulses is limited,” said bioengineer Ken Foster of the University of Pennsylvania. “If the military will drop those weapons, they will do better with good security studies.”
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