The first 100 days of the road: too early to give a verdict | Joe Biden News

As U.S. President Joe Biden celebrates his 100th birthday on Thursday, his fellow Democrats are taking a happy and happy turn with the approval of most Americans – a honeymoon that most presidents enjoy in their first months of work.
But while Biden is pushing his aggressive agenda and Democrats are ready to defend the House and Senate majorities in mid-November 2022, it’s important that history shows the first 100 days of the president – just 6.84 percent of his term -. it is almost never an indicator of what the president had done on day 1,461 — the last day of his first term.
Riding up, so far
Biden began his presidency on January 20 after four historically and politically turbulent years for former President Donald Trump, with the added crisis of a global pandemic that is destroying Americans in terms of health and economics. From the start, Biden was committed focus In the fight against COVID, the economy was revived and Trump was so badly pushed to tone down the fierce political climate.
Judging by the American sentiment towards Biden, it seems to have been a success so far.
According to RealClearPolitics, the average survey shows that 53.1% of Americans accept their job performance at the moment, while 41.8 percent disapprove of it.
Two-thirds of Americans agree with coronavirus treatment and more than half support the management of the economy, according to several surveys released in recent days.
And, according to a Pew Research poll earlier this month, more Americans like the way Biden plays for the presidency (46 percent) than he does (27 percent).
As it progresses with massive spending proposals infrastructure and “flat family”, Is seeing widespread support not only for these proposals, but also for the answer to how to pay the $ 4 trillion price: raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy.
His support is widespread, both from independents and from all corners of his party, as well as progressives, who have been very skeptical of Biden since he announced his candidacy two years ago.
“The Biden administration and President Biden have exceeded the expectations of the definitive progressives,” said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the leader of the progressive “Squad” in the US House of Representatives last Friday. “I think a lot of us expected a much more conservative administration.”
Before warning signs
Ocasio-Cortez’s comments are Republican-eared music that is as unified as Biden’s anti-Trump stance.
Biden and Democrats see their policies as excessive, pushing them too far to the left, farther from the current of American pallets.
It seems that they intend to play the drums from now until the middle of next year, whether Trump won the Democrats by trying to paint democracies or whether the battlefields are “too liberal” or “socialist”. It was a strategy that was somewhat successful in 2020, gaining 15 House seats and maintaining the gains Democrats expected in the Senate, a year most Americans rejected at the top of the Republican card – Trump – who eventually lost.
Republicans are not the only ones who see Democrats as a potential problem, even democracies.
For example, James Carville, a political strategist who was the architect of Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential victory, said the party’s messaging is too far removed from “ordinary people” using the language that attracts elites to “people who want to vote” for speaking another language. you are.
“We won the White House [in 2020] against a buffoon of world history. We lost and reached within 42,000 votes. We’ve lost seats in Congress, ”Carville told the Vox news site.“ So let’s not argue about whether or not we’re the keys to our messaging. We are. “
Republicans too to feel Biden has a prominent Achilles heel: rise The U.S.-Mexico border was flooded with efforts by migrants and the current administration to address what many see as a crisis.
It’s the only major mental issue for Americans – border security and immigration – where Biden condemns the treatment. Only a third of Americans support it, according to several polls released last week.
Republicans are also working on a bit of history to work for them: except for one World War II, all parties in the first term have lost seats in Congress in the midterm elections, among which are ratings that had much higher acceptance ratings. On the 100th day of the Biden.
When Barack Obama won top-level approval in the ’100s in the 1990s, Democrats lost 63 seats in the House and another 6 in the Senate in 2010. Bill Clinton was in his 50s on his 100th birthday in 1993, but the Democrats lost 52 seats in the House and 8 seats in the Senate in 1994. Republicans George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan experienced similar stories in their first terms in 1990 and 1982, respectively.
As Biden reaches the 100-day milestone, it’s worth remembering that he’s still missing more than 93 percent of his first term – 1,300 days of success and failure, smooth sailing and ups and downs – that will complete the vision of history. for his presidency.
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