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The Hate Crimes Act against Asia has been approved by the U.S. Congress for Crime News


The new law calls for the prosecution of hate crimes against Asians after escalating attacks on the U.S. Department of Justice.

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a law to address the rise in hate crimes against Asians in the coronavirus pandemic, and sent a bill to President Joe Biden on Tuesday for his signature.

The measure, which was previously passed in the Senate, was approved by an overwhelming majority in the House, 364-62. The new law directs the U.S. Department of Justice to prosecute violent crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islander residents.

Last year, U.S. police stepped up racially motivated crimes, including the March shooting in Georgia against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders he killed six women of Asian origin.

“For more than a year now, Asian Americans across our nation have been shouting for help,” representative Grace Meng, the main sponsor of the bill, said in a statement.

“We’ve all heard the bad stories and seen the horrific videos of Asian Americans being beaten, shredded and spit on,” Menge said when the bill passed the 94-1 vote in the Senate.

He has been linked to law enforcement and Asian American advocates the rise of hate crimes against Asians Former President Donald Trump and the pandemic have been blamed on China for the political rhetoric of other Republican politicians.

Hate crimes are well known difficult prosecution. The bill provides a new phone number for local prosecutors seeking guidance and law enforcement training in such cases.

Jabara-Heyer also includes the “No Hate” Act, which improves law enforcement on hate crimes and expands community support and resources for victims of these crimes.

The law took the name of Lebanese American Khalid Jabara in 2016, who was killed by a racist neighbor in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Heather Heyer, who was killed in a vehicle attack carried out by whites in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. Both attacks were initially not classified as hate crimes, but would be under the new law.

In California and New York, there have been homes of large populations of Asian Americans worrying events on violence against people of Asian descent.

In March, Pak Ho, a 75-year-old Asian American man, was killed while being pushed to the ground while taking a walk in the morning near his Oakland home. A suspect has allegations of assault, but not hate crimes.

In New York, there was a 65-year-old Filipino woman attacked in broad daylight while he was on the street, a man kicked him in the stomach and crushed his head. The incident was captured on security video. He survived and was arrested.

Last year, an Asian immigrant and his two young sons were stabbed and cut while in Midland, Texas, while shopping for food.

The monitoring team, Stop AAPI Hate, reported 3,795 incidents nationwide between March 2020 and February 2021.


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