The Union said Amazon violated the Labor Act in the Alabama election

The union claims that Amazon has also taken revenge against union supporters. According to objections, the company directed a union advocate for challenging anti-union rhetoric. According to the data presented, Amazon conducted an illegal interrogation in another area of work to distribute union permit cards to another employee. Then the company released him.
In addition to the alleged threats, the union alleges that Amazon took action to benefit employees. When the election was underway, company agents allegedly began demanding and complaining about employee complaints, relaxed certain rules, and offered wage coups and a free market. The union questioned Amazon’s use of the “Offer,” an annual payment it offers to employees who want to leave the company, calling it a “threat collected as a benefit”. The offer was not new or specific to BHM1, but the former president of the NLRB he told CNBC the company arguably had to cancel during the election.
Asked to comment on objections, Amazon spokesperson shared after company election blog post and wrote, “In fact, less than 16% of BHM1 workers voted to join a union,” which includes uncountable votes and non-voting workers. “Rather than accepting the election of these workers, it seems that the union intends to continue to misrepresent the facts in order to push its own agenda. We look forward to the next steps in the judicial process.”
There are many reasons for employees to vote no. Some staff said happy With Amazon’s salary and benefits. The local government, eager to bring jobs to an area hit hard by manufacturing declines, has sued many companies, offering Amazon the habit of pulling out large tax incentives. The company’s $ 15 minimum wage is more than double the Alabama minimum, although it falls short of other unionized warehouses in the state. Some workers were worried that if the union won they would lose those jobs.
It is illegal to close factories that intend to avoid retaliatory shots and other places, but the penalties are pocket changes for most employers. Leaving a $ 325 million new facility with a 20-year lease would be a greater deterrent, even if it would not be impossible for a $ 1 trillion company to acquire it.
However, RWDSU complains that the anti-union tactics against Amazon were so horrific that the union barely had a chance to fight. Violation of labor legislation is common in union elections, says labor studies teacher Rebecca Givan Rutgers. Penalties for breaking the law are meager, and many employers believe it is a cost of doing business.
The challenges for the NLRB election fall into two categories: the elections to be held at the NLRB regional office on Friday, related to how the elections were conducted. Allegations of unfair work practices, which are essentially in violation of labor law, must be filed within six months of the alleged violation. It is likely that RWDSU will send it later. Amazon may also file its charges, but the company did not comment on whether it intends to do so.
The NLRB’s regional office will then arrange an audition, usually within three weeks. During the hearing, both parties may present evidence and call and question witnesses. If allegations of unfair practice are filed at that time, they may be thrown into the mix or then receive an extraordinary hearing.
The regional director may issue a decision on the impediments, or combine it with charges of unfair labor practice and appeal to the court of administrative law, which shall make a decision on unfair labor practices. Either or both can appeal the decision to a five-member Washington DC national committee, and that’s when national party policy comes into play. Republicans have controlled the NLRB since 2017, during which time they set an employment-friendly agenda. They now have a 3-1 majority, with one seat free. However, the term of Republican William Emanuel ends in August. President Biden could issue two Democrats by the end of the year, overturning control. If the Amazon case is so long, the chances of getting any union appeal can be improved.
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