UK hugs as the indoor dining room relaxes with COVID ribbons Coronavirus pandemic News

The restrictions should be reduced in line with the government’s plan, as vaccines reduce cases.
England will move forward on May 17 with plans to ease further restrictions on COVID-19, including allowing people to embrace and associate indoors, with favorable data on infections and vaccines, the government said on Sunday.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson will hold a press conference on Monday evening to unveil details on the third step in the ‘roadmap’ to the UK’s crisis, following discussions this morning with colleagues and advisers.
“The data reflects what we already knew – we won’t let the virus get the better of us,” Johnson said, according to a Downing Street document.
“The roadmap is well on track, our successful vaccination program continues – more than two-thirds of adults in the UK have their first vaccine – and we can now look forward to it prudently but with no end in sight.”
The country is in the process of gradually lifting the final blockade over the months, in line with the four-step plan presented in February.
He took her the first step from blocking in April when hairdressers and shops reopened, and people were allowed to dine in small groups.
As a next step, eating and drinking indoors in pubs, cafes and restaurants will also be allowed, according to certain rules. Family and friends, meanwhile, can meet indoors for the first time a month in groups of up to six people. people or two whole houses together.
Johnson also hopes that people will be able to embrace friends and family outside of their home for the first time in more than a year, according to the Times newspaper.
Cinemas and theaters will also reopen, as well as several other large indoor sites, following several pilot events by the government to test security measures. Hotels will also be able to receive guests.
On Sunday, the UK announced a total of 1,770 new coronaviruses and two deaths, below the peaks observed in January.
More than 127,000 people in the UK have died of coronary heart disease The highest toll in Europe.
Downing Street’s latest data on COVID-19 vaccines, infections, hospitalizations and deaths and the risk posed by new variants has been taken into account in deciding to move forward.
The semi-autonomous administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own calendars to mitigate coronavirus restrictions.
The UK government last week confirmed that international travel would resume on May 17, but severe restrictions would remain, except for a few countries.
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