Unrest continues to blame Solomon’s PM for foreign power Protest News
Robbery and violence continue for the third day in the capital, with Australian police arriving.
Foreign countries are in the throes of a riot that sparked three days of violent protests in the Solomon Islands, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare said on Friday as police pushed back protesters trying to reach Sogavare’s private residence.
Poliziak negar-gasak eta abisu-tiroak bota zizkion manifestariei, AFP albiste agentziak jakinarazi duenez, bertako kazetariak aipatuz. The group had already set fire to at least one nearby building.
Sogavare on Wednesday set a 36-hour limit for Honia, the country’s capital, but protesters ignored the blockade.
Many of them come from the most populous province of Malaita, and appeared to oppose Sogavar’s decision in 2019 to sever diplomatic relations with Taiwan and establish formal ties with China. Malaita leaders still Maintain contact with Taiwan and received tremendous support from Taipei and Washington.
Sogavar said the anger was sparked by unnamed foreign countries.
“I feel sorry for my people in Malaysia because they are fed up with false and deliberate lies about change,” he told Sogavare in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
“These countries that are now affecting Malawi are countries that do not want ties to the People’s Republic of China, and are recommending that the Solomon Islands have diplomatic relations and comply with international law and the United Nations resolution.”
Solomon was among the dozens of Pacific islands that Taiwan recognized until the 2019 decision, when Taipei accused him of using Beijing.dollar diplomacy”To put pressure on countries to cut ties with the autonomous island.
Solomon Islands resident Transform Aqorau said more than 100 people were looting shops in Honia.
“The scenes here are really chaotic. It’s like a war zone, ”Aqorau told Reuters by telephone. “There is no public transport and it is a struggle with heat and smoke. The buildings are still burning. ‘
The first Australian police arrived in the country on Friday, at the request of Sogavar help.
Since gaining independence from Britain in 1978, the Solomon Islands have been battling unrest and political violence in eastern Papua New Guinea.
The rivalry between the most populous island of Malaita and the central government based in Guadalcanal has repeatedly sparked clashes, and Malaita has complained that it has been sidelined.
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