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Would it be fair to treat embedded Covid patients as soon as possible?


All over the world, hospitals and clinics have it widely agreed Both Covid patients and non-Covid patients should apply the same triage principles, that care should not be reached as soon as possible (because the first accessibility is different) and that the primary metric achieves the highest number of people. to keep the hospital alive. Cultural values ​​are sometimes included to determine whether a more subtle prognosis should be considered: quality of life or years of experience or, for example, which person is somehow more valuable, if that is the case. also calculable. (And triage is not the only way to divide vaccinated and unvaccinated people; to have private insurance Covid paying back attention it seems that the idea of ​​giving up one’s shots is quite reprehensible.)

One thing that ethics and clinicians have repeatedly said is to avoid “categorical exclusion criteria,” attributes that take someone out of triage. For example, before the availability of vaccines expanded, elderly Covid patients died at a much higher rate than younger ones. But no one wanted to exclude the old man from treatment, right? That would be a monster. Or, as a Swiss ethics group he argued in the spring of last year, you could distinguish between “primary criteria,” demographics, and “secondary criteria,” the more subtle things that would only come into play: two patients, in every way, with similar prognoses, similar diagnoses. But deciding what differences to consider very intricate. If you are in a state of health, how do you rate that? How can socioeconomic status affect prognosis, and can you tell that equitably? What was floating around the ethics and the Texas working group is basically that the status of the vaccine can be a secondary exclusion criterion – although, to be clear, one of the main points of the working group was that the status of the vaccine could not be inherent. categorical exclusion criterion.

In part, the whole idea is because it involves a Texas-sized warning. Yes, they are much less sick when inserted. But no one knows if he is seriously ill vaccinated they have better results — more survival than serious patients without insertion people. It seems that once you are sick enough to be in the hospital, you are sick enough to be in the hospital. But as far as I know, no such published data exists. “I personally have that sense from the data I’ve seen, but it’s very preliminary data. There’s no research on parity that shows that,” says Fine. “So be careful.”

Be careful. A big part of the reason for triage guidelines is consistency, so individual doctors don’t have to rely on their intuitions. “Covide has taught us a lot of things, but there is certainly a lot of implicit bias within the health care system and certainly with Covid’s results,” Lo says. “And we want that not to get any worse.”

Moreover, to the extent that we would all understand and empathize with the anger and frustration of health care workers — any emotionally drained, epidemiologically endangered guilt — could be misguided. “We know people are frustrated and angry, but that’s not the basis for decision making,” Fine says.

The state of vaccinations, Finn warned, is more difficult than anger can allow. “I think we have to be very careful to say that someone has chosen not to get vaccinated. Some do,” Lo says. “But there are still those who have difficulty making an appointment, who are not Internet experts, who do not know English as a first language. Many people work in non-resting jobs, or even if the vaccine has adverse effects and they can’t work, the salary is charged. ”And how would you distinguish between clinicians trying to classify vaccination status according to these groups, even if allowed?

With things like that, people also get vaccinated because they think they will never get sick or if they do horse deworming drug will save them, or vaccine them with 5G magnetized antennas, through which Bill Gates can turn them into wolf-men (They don’t! None of that is a thing!). Bad information is cheap; better information is expensive. Although the Covida numbers are as ugly as they pass through the south, the rage will be better addressed as a result of people facing basic public health measures instead of people suffering as a result.

More from WIRED on Covid-19


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